I enjoyed your post. I'm sure the new kaw will attract buyers looking for the bragging rites of the fastest production bike. To me though, the busa is so much more. I still can't get over how comfortable this bike is for me. My main concern before buying one was weather I would be able to adjust to the riding position after riding a cruiser for several years. On my cruiser, I could hardly walk after an hour or so of riding. On the busa I can stay on it all day long! Can I live with the busa if it's not the fastest thing on two wheels? You bet! I must tell you I have been a speed nut since I was a very young man. I have raced drag cars, stock cars and outlaw sprint cars. I love speed and HP. I love cracking the throttle on the busa, but I must admit I have not even come close to hitting the performance potential of my bike, and probably never will. I would not have the need for anything faster, and I do not see anything available that has more appeal to me in the looks department. Bottom line for me is you guys will have to put up with me on this site for a long time. When my busa riding days are done, my motorcycle riding days will be over as well!