looks comfortable but I dont see how its any more or less practical then a Busa. nice lookn bike tho. I guess if we all liked the same thing we'd all be riding the same bike. looks like a great touring bike tho.
Very nice, wish we got those here in the states. I've loved every Honda I've had and I used to be a Honda guy. To bad they stopped making or importing to the states bikes that I want.
I waited and waited for a new Blackbird, and we got the VFR1200
That setup you good looks like a great bike though for what it is.
Ajay, Thanks for the explanation.
Strange you mentioning the African-Americanism 'bad' meaning good, as I can remember as a white teenagee in the late 1960's in London, 'bad' was good. As they say, there's nothing new under the sun................
Yes, please do keep us informed. I hope you like your new Honda, Congratulations.
I use the terms, motorcycle,motorbike, scooter,machine,sportbike..lol, whatever spews out I guess...
That's a proper looking motorcycle.Cruisers and crotch rockets has destroyed motorcycling in America.Not enough choices anymore.We'll give you our cruisers for that jewel you have there.But....I do have my FRJ.
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