Busa Stampede -OFFICIAL SPONSORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ya know, I could totally *own* this page, but I won't, ha! take that page nabbers
WOOT! :cheerleader: Rock on! :beerchug:


Another new sponsor.

Suzuki Owner's Club of North America is officially onboard to sponsor the Stampede.

As their door-prize contribution, the Club will provide a Joe Rocket Hayabusa Mesh Armored Jacket and a free one-year full Club Membership.

:cheerleader: :cheerleader: sweet, I hope I get it :thumbsup:
Another new Individual/Affiliate sponsor.

shortBoarder is officially onboard to sponsor the Stampede.

As his door-prize contribution, he will provide a $300 gift certificate to be redeemed with ANY OFFICIAL STAMPEDE SPONSOR.

Warchild and I are very pleased to announce that the Official Stampede Photographer has been identified as Rick Clemson (Rick Clemson Photography).

Rick lives in Los Angeles and makes his way to Palomar every feasible weekend. He's giving up his post on Palomar for the Stampede for our weekend.

His work is fabled and we're extremely glad to have him aboard.
Additionally, in the last month, both Throttlemeister and GPR Stabilizers have stepped up.

Be sure to check out the site for a full list!

We continue to work our butts off, behind the scenes, to bring you NOTHING BUT THE BEST!!
As of today, we have added two sponsors to our list...

First, Fun Bike Center here in San Diego, is offering a $200 gift card for shopping off their website...very cool...

Second, "WeRentMotorcycles" .com has stepped up with a $200 gift certificate!

We're very pleased to have them aboard! :beerchug:
Keep up the good work Scar...........we have learned to expect nothing less from you!!
You and Warchild ROCK!! :thumbsup::thumbsup: