Come down here to the sticks of Southern Illinois. Good wide straight roads, few cops, no helicopters, you do have to watch for deer though.......I saw an indicated 180 friday night comin home from the drag strip, I ran off and left everyone else in the group, couple of 98/99 liter bikes and a few 600's. Still had plenty on the tach, just started coming up on traffic.......Where are you guys finding the space to make these runs? I wonder how much land is covered to reach top speed, does anyone know? I really want to try it on my bike but I will need to carefully plan it out because there are just too many troopers on the highways in my area.
not kidding...
That's awesome, now time for the whole bike!my front forks have been 248mph.
If you changed your gearing you would most likely be able to pull it to redline. What it sounds like to me is that your bike doesn't have enough power to push it through the air at those speeds to reach redline. If you went up one in the rear you would most likely hit redline and maybe get another MPH or two out of it. Where you wearing full leathers for this run? If not there are other things that can slow you down, say you were wearing jeans and they flapped around, well now you're creating more drag and this can hurt you.I HIT IT TODAY!!!! I will add another topic with pics and stuff, but here is the conclusion:
In FLORIDA... elevation - like a couple of feettemperature - high 70's low 80's, BEAUTIFUL day!![]()
Pretty much stock 2005 (Carbon Fiber Yoshimura Bolt-ons and marble mod) WITHOUT TRE:
Indicated 185 - GPS about 164 (the speedometer only goes up to 185mph but the revs keep going up)
I hit the limiter at exactly 10,500 rpms... I held it there for a LOOOONG time.... about 20 seconds (with the revs at 10,500).... GPS Speed = 182 mph IT WOULD NOT GO FASTER!
I stopped on the side of the road, popped the tank, and installed Ivan's Smart TRE (the blue one):
MAX SPEED: 188mph GPS - at 10,800 rpms. it would NOT go above 10,800 rpms (a couple of hairs before redline in 6th gear)
Now, something odd I noticed... in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, I could go PAST 11,000 RPMS (a little past the red line), but in 6th, I was still limited to 10,800. Ivan's TRE DID allow me to pass the 10,500rpm limit (when you hit it, you feel it... you feel the power comming in and out, in and out, and the rev needle stays dead on @ 10,500rpms)
Restricted - 182mph @ 10,500 rpms
Unrestricted - 188mph @ 10,800 rpms
Now all you guys can say what you want, but I JUST did this TODAY, and this is what I got... With stock gearing (what I have) I can't see the bike hitting 200mph (Unless you can go waaay past the red line). Also, it's not that my bike lacks power, because I was hitting the right RPMS... If I was lacking power, I wouldn't be able to hit 10,800rpms in 6th... Therefore, with stock gearing, unrestricted, an 05 will do 188mph (OVER 300 KPH!!!!! IT'S STILL CRAZY!!!)
Because you would have more force (RWHP and Torque) pushing you at the same RPM.The other thing is, even if I had a full system, or more power, I can't see how the bike would go faster because I was hitting an RPM limit at 10,800. The only way I can see more power affecting the bike is that I would get there faster, but I would still hit 10,800 and the wheels wouldn't be able to rotate any faster than that.
Internet Explorer users go for it, Netscape users may need a pluginNeed a good place to host a video. I could kinda give you an idea of what my mediocre Busa will do. It's downright slow compared to many on here, but.............
Another .........Not topped out, but still cool.Internet Explorer users go for it, Netscape users may need a pluginNeed a good place to host a video. I could kinda give you an idea of what my mediocre Busa will do. It's downright slow compared to many on here, but.............
Sorry about the camera strap, I'm gonna redo it.
Wow, that guy held it for quite a long time, thanks for the link.Another .........Not topped out, but still cool.Internet Explorer users go for it, Netscape users may need a pluginNeed a good place to host a video. I could kinda give you an idea of what my mediocre Busa will do. It's downright slow compared to many on here, but.............
Sorry about the camera strap, I'm gonna redo it.