'Busa v Muscle Rod v K1300GT

Well, the Muscle Rod is going to have some major surgery - I am getting the handlebars changed....sorry, wrong forum !!!! The 'busa needs no changes. I have had it up to 220kph (137mph) and it was just ambling along at 5500rpm. I am 60 years old and find the 'busa easy and confortable to ride. It powers round corners and I feel it is better planted on the twisties than my wife's CBR600RR which I find is twitchy (the bike, not my wife). Anyway, off to ride the 'busa again. Maybe, I will have to try 2nd gear today.....
So there I was, riding the highway on the 'busa when an oink on a R6 roared past. So I crept up behind him, making sure he could see me in his mirror and off we went - at about 170kph (106mph for you southern folk) his front wheel was doing the giggily -giggily and the 'busa was just ticking over and planted. At 190kph (119mph) I thought he was about to shoot off the road at some crazy angle. So enough of this I thought. I put him out of his misery and swept past him at 220kph (137mph) and the 'busa was doing around 7000rpm and just warming up. It just keeps getting better and better....
I have 4 bikes and I have to agree with your last statement, when I'm on the VFRs, I know the newer 600s & 1000s are quicker. When I'm on my 1100 Blackbird, then they think they might be quicker and end up obnoxiously revving next to me. When I'm on the busa, they make a scene till they recognize the bike then they normally sit quietly next to me at the light !

Of course one incident will stick out in my mind for a long time:
Sitting quietly at a light a few months back when a sebring convertible pulls up next to me, a few seconds later it starts revving so I turn my head and what do I see: 3 white haired old ladies in the Sebring with the top down, and the one in the back yells "Kick his ass Blanche...", I sat there grinning as the Sebring "sped off" about 5 seconds after the light went green :rofl:


Baa---haaaahahahaha THat's awesome. I would have fallen over laughing had that
happened to me...that's priceless.

Better be careful though...

4 old ladies beat up a guy!!! This is Too Funny!! - Car Videos on StreetFire