Busa Wheelie Pics

Wheelie is good pic just sucks...
Here's a quick GSX-R1000 wheelie, he's in 3rd gear and pullin' away from me!

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One more of BS... Sorry about all of the bugs on my windscreen. And, if Cap'n would ever get around to uploadin' the movie, you could watch all of these plus some in full motion!


Luv doze wheelie pics... no lectures here but I usually try to be where no trffic or people but then again I do like to show boat sometimes.

Not sure who posted these shots last year but i saved em. As I recall it was one of our guys,

1 good shot ... busa up!

Damn, that poor busa is going for a ride. Is that a boot sticking out of the dust in the road? Is this the same guy in both photos?