You can call all the BS you want.
The Fedaral Government of the United States of America MANDATES that every paying member of any Union be represented equally.
Is that so hard to believe?
That the government wants everyone that pays the same dues, be treated equally?
It's really NOT a difficult concept.
I am in total agreement of the rest of your statement, but don't tell me that I am BS because of the LAW.
As an ex Steward for many years with IBEW Local 1002, I can say that this is correct. Also employees at a work location must also be represented the same as members of the local for the same classifications. I will say this, on performance issues with bargaining unit employees, the Unions need to grow some balls. Ours did for the most part, we had a long way to go. The Union should be just as involved as the company in all matters of employee relations. Not saying the Union should not fight for an employee with the situation warrants, however, the Union can also discipline an employee. Read your by-laws and charter. I didnt like the way our Union was being led, and for the most part, what happens in a Union is because of the Business Agent and Executive Board. Remember, a Union is only as strong as its weakest member. I no longer work in a bargaining unit position, and I am thankful I dont have to deal with the political BS anymore.
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