Bike price:
Hate to say it but if that is the color you are set on, he has you already and he knows that. That is why you aren't getting a better price.
Also, if you are buying out of state, there should be NO ADDITIONAL FEES....PERIOD! You should be paying for the bike only! Which at this time of year.....$9596 isn't that great. You should be around $9300 or less, I bought mine from Canada and only paid $9,016.
One other thing, OTD(Out The Door)....means if you were paying tax, title, license in THAT state(purchase dealer). If you are doing all of this in another state(not same as purchase dealer) than where you live, YOU DON'T PAY THAT! He just signs it over as out of state sale and you go on your way.
You will HAVE to pay this when you go down to your local DMV will be paying that TWICE if you don't pay attention on the sale.
As for your last statement, NO DEALER can LEGALLY sell you a unserviced/inspected bike still in the crate. You can find dealers that will do this but legally they can't/won't and they can be asses about it if they want to get you for prep fees. THE DEALER IN OHIO will drop ship it TO YOUR DOOR. So this sounds like your best bet for what you want to do if you still want it in the crate.
That way you don't have to arrange to pick it up from out of state, only from your local indoc delivery place.
Gear prices: The dealer won't match the internet price. That is where he planes to make money and usually his cost is barely less than what the internet shops sell it for. This isn't always the case but on a lot of stuff it is.
For the best deal on everything, I would buy the bikes by themselves and then deal on your helmet/jacket/gloves, etc. elsewhere. That is the best/cheapest way to go....unless you are financing them in the price of the bike which is bad news!
Shoot me an email at home if you have any more questions and I will give you my # and talk you through it better. It is hard to explain some of this stuff online sometimes.
Also, I can pretty much assure you he isn't the only dealer with a Blk/Prple 04 left over, you will see many more later, it's just that it's the middle of winter right now and most of those bikes are in the back of the warehouse out of site. Once the dirt bikes/atv's/snowmobiles sell over winter, you will see a lot more pop up. You just need to BE PATIENT.....when all else fails, there is always a better deal.....ALWAYS!
joshua(dot)barton@sbcglobal(dot)net(put something in the title ref
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Hate to say it but if that is the color you are set on, he has you already and he knows that. That is why you aren't getting a better price.
Also, if you are buying out of state, there should be NO ADDITIONAL FEES....PERIOD! You should be paying for the bike only! Which at this time of year.....$9596 isn't that great. You should be around $9300 or less, I bought mine from Canada and only paid $9,016.
One other thing, OTD(Out The Door)....means if you were paying tax, title, license in THAT state(purchase dealer). If you are doing all of this in another state(not same as purchase dealer) than where you live, YOU DON'T PAY THAT! He just signs it over as out of state sale and you go on your way.
You will HAVE to pay this when you go down to your local DMV will be paying that TWICE if you don't pay attention on the sale.
As for your last statement, NO DEALER can LEGALLY sell you a unserviced/inspected bike still in the crate. You can find dealers that will do this but legally they can't/won't and they can be asses about it if they want to get you for prep fees. THE DEALER IN OHIO will drop ship it TO YOUR DOOR. So this sounds like your best bet for what you want to do if you still want it in the crate.
That way you don't have to arrange to pick it up from out of state, only from your local indoc delivery place.
Gear prices: The dealer won't match the internet price. That is where he planes to make money and usually his cost is barely less than what the internet shops sell it for. This isn't always the case but on a lot of stuff it is.
For the best deal on everything, I would buy the bikes by themselves and then deal on your helmet/jacket/gloves, etc. elsewhere. That is the best/cheapest way to go....unless you are financing them in the price of the bike which is bad news!
Shoot me an email at home if you have any more questions and I will give you my # and talk you through it better. It is hard to explain some of this stuff online sometimes.
Also, I can pretty much assure you he isn't the only dealer with a Blk/Prple 04 left over, you will see many more later, it's just that it's the middle of winter right now and most of those bikes are in the back of the warehouse out of site. Once the dirt bikes/atv's/snowmobiles sell over winter, you will see a lot more pop up. You just need to BE PATIENT.....when all else fails, there is always a better deal.....ALWAYS!
joshua(dot)barton@sbcglobal(dot)net(put something in the title ref
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