Buying a bike on a Credit Card?

once I got my 08 I got a transfer with even lower APR only 1.99 from 11.99 from suzuki. They just knew I bought a Bike.
thanks guys ill try that other dealer ship tomorrow morning. I guess some dealers will either trust you or not. Bummer, ive never missed a payment in my life, my credit score is 704 i guess thats decent. I want the Busa so bad.

Not to be a jerk here but.... Credit card?
My reason to consider it was to get Air Miles
. I fly alot and Free Trips comes in handy when my wife can come with me
. Anyway, you don't pay interest if you pay the card off at the end of the month. And if you can't
I wouldn't pull a loan if you have a credit card with that large a limit, that's a lotta credit card space to fill on aftermarket parts for your 08.. And that aftermarket is HUGGGGEE
Bought my first sport bike on a Credit Card nearly 20 years ago. Would do it again ONLY if I could pay the whole thing off the next month.

One of my worst mistakes in a long time.

The guy that I ride with sometimes had 4 friends that got Gixxer 600's, using the Suzuki credit cards. That's why I went when I did in 06 to get my Busa, I was hearing all these low a$$ payments they were making. When I went in to the finance office to do the paper work they offered me the Suzuki credit card deal, and it sounded great !! Until I read something like "refinance after 2 years, cost remaining, at Blah, Blah percent. I was ready to take it, and thought.....Let me call Moms on this one, and she schooled me......THANK GOD !!

Out of the 4 guys that got their bikes using the Suzuki credit cards, 3 of them HAD to sell. For the first 2 years their payments were like $110.00 a month, after 2 years, they were like $450.00. 2 of them just let someone take over what was owed.

The only 1 that didn't sell his, was the 1 that wrecked, and totaled it after 4 months of having it.
We only pay cash. These are toys & we don't want to be making payments on something that may be wrecked.
I bought my new 07 and accesories with my Discover Card. Had an extra 30 days before the bill arrived, paid it off when it did show up, and got a little over $100 CashBack from Discover.

I once did the same thing with my Corvette. You should have seen the manager's face when he asked "So, how do you want to pay for this?" and I plopped down my Visa card - "priceless".
I purchased my '08 Hayabusa at Free State Cycles on my Harley Davidson (Visa) credit card. I went in at 9:00 on Saturday morning and left with my Busa at 11:30. They had no problem with taking my card, they even had a great laugh about it. Buying a Suzuki Hayabusa on a Harley Davidson credit card PRICELESS..

I paid the card off the next month and got all the Harley chrome points..
A lot of people get suckered into credit card debt but I use it to suppliment the cash in my pocket.

I.E I'll walk into sears, buy a tool chest for like 200$, show the cashier my sears card. She'll knock off 10%. Swipe, Sign get my receipt then i'll tell her I'll just pay the balance now.

She'll ring me up, total is 180$. Pay the 180 in cash.

She'll often look at me at say "you had no prior balance on your card. your credit card was already paid up when you bought your toolchest."

and i'll just reply "I don't use this for a credit card, I just use it as my 10% discount card.

Like a lot of posts in this thread suggests. Use the card, cash the balance, keep the perks

Cash talks though. I love hearing one quote, then dropping benjamins on the table and their eyes gleam and their quotes change.
Called Martinsburg motorsports they wouldnt do any better than $11,045 OTD no sales tax untill I register in MA. And they do except credit cards. Bummer. Any one have any other ideas? I really want this bike. I can buy from a dealer down the st for $11,500. But If I can buy from someone else for $1000 less ill take the drive! They also need to take credit cards.
Thanks for all the replys
Call Granite City Cycles in South Barre, VT. 802-476-6604

Tell them Tim sent you .

He will do you an 08 Busa either Blue/Black or Orange/ Black for 11,100 on a credit card for you.

In stock ready for delivery.
We only pay cash. These are toys & we don't want to be making payments on something that may be wrecked.
thats why they have insurance,its best to NOT pay cash for a bike or car just for that reason,once you take it out of the show room it already that 12k bike you just bought,if you wreck it next week,good luck getting all your $ back from insurance company,now if you financed it,you may only be out a couple of hundred
thankyou im goin to try and call that place in vermont, that would be nice and close! Ill let you guys know what happens