Buying a bike with expired tag

Well Picked the bike up. He took off 100 dollars after I called the tag office and found out there would only be 75 dollars in penalty's. My loan officer said I am fine as long as I have my bill of sale handy. The bike is amazing. This is my second hayabusa. I love the gen II. First mod will be HID's. After having them on my first busa I cant stand not having them.
All that guy has to do is claim the tag is stolen if something happened. Then you would be up the creek. Why would you ride with someone elses tag? Come on dude, your smarter than that, right?
you'll be fine, the seller would have no reason or nothing to gain by calling in a tag stolen. its sure better than riding with no tag, and im assuming you plan on getting it directly?
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you can buy a bike with dead tags,,Its no difference to find and buy a bike that was stored,,you can either ,,trailer it home until you get it leagal,,or buy a one way permit,,many states DMV sell them very cheap,,But its a one way deal,,you cant cruise around on it,,And no,the tags do not have to up to date to buy it,,Some states have inspections,,but as you stated,you already dodged that bullet,,Its not that big of a deal,,Ive bought hundreds of cars and bikes in the past,,,Make sure that you get a signed clear title,,dont let him write alot of stuff on it,,,signature ONLY,,,,alot of people make this mistake,,,,either get the one way and head to the DMV or haul it home,,bike tags are cheap,,some states require to see the bike,,,FL did that to me 4 yrs ago,,,,But NM didnt care,,I gave them the title and I was out for 25 bucks in 5 minutes,,,jjust dont ride around on dead plates..thats expensive if you get busted and the ticket money would have gotton the bike legal and buy groceries,,,,,,,Call the DMV or if its close ,,ride it over,,,But get an OPEN TITLE,,signature ONLY,,,,,man its a train wreck when people write alo tof stuff on there and its a mightmare to get it fixed,,get a bill of sale, and a clean title { and make sure he signs in the right spot, and go to the DMV,,sometimes driveing over is better,,alot of DMV's ,,dont answer the phone, and I wouldnt argue or lose the sale over tags,,,it is your responsibility,,not his,,,Im not being hard...Its ,just The Law , And I have done This over 1000 times,,Make sure that the titile is clean Its about 25 bucks,,hopefully they dont want proof of insurance,,and if they do,,oh well,,,Thats pretty cheap too for the yr,,and I ussually get my tags for 2 yrs ,instead of the 1 yr,,they will ask which way you want to go,,,,enjoy you bike,,ride by the DMV early,on your way over to get the bike and tell them your intent,,and what they need,,its cheaper than you think,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Sounds like you found the info you needed.
Next time you have a question about tags, contact the Oklahoma tax commission for the best info. Loan officers and some tag agents don't always give you the best advice. Oklahoma has the most screwed up system in the nation. Tag agents are private business owners. They are not employed by the state. Loan officers are even less reliable.
If you still have questions, send me a PM. I have a connection at the tax commission. Oklahoma tag laws are like no other state. Kinda like a football bat. :laugh: