comes through!

in the above pic, that is where the front of the belly pan bolts up with SMALL bolts, then a little ways back ( maybe on the black piece ) is where the large bolts go. The bracket that holds the two side fairings together goes in the spot ( inside ) where you are missing a bolt in the second picture of this post. arey has put a yellow square around the spot in his above post. check it out.
sobad - Yes, my bike came from Calmes Motorsports. What do you think of them? I've been dealing with Wayne. He seems like a nice enough guy, but seems to have a problem calling me back when he says he's going to. I'll be calling him tomorrow to see about getting the missing part(s) I need.

fstAZfk & arey - I found the bracket you were talking about. Yes, it's going from one side of the fairing to the other. It had a bolt on one side, but not the other - so I found a home for 1 of the 4 extra bolts. It looks like I'm missing a whole piece of plastic down there though, wouldn't you say (a small belly pan piece of plastic)? I assume there's just one small piece underneath? I'm going to check through all the packing material tomorrow to make sure I didn't over look anything, then call Calmes Motorsport and get it what I need on order.

I assume that small belly pan piece gets bolted on with 4 bolts; 2 connect it to the bottom of the left/right fairing pieces, and 2 more connect it to that that black cross bracket under there? If someone could shoot me a picture of the underside, that would sure help. I need to make sure I have all the part numbers; before I call the dealer tomorrow.

crepitus - no, the crate goes in the garbage. It's cheap metal anyway, and got a bit bent up during transport. Metal is sharp too. Cut my hands up handling it. Wish I would have worn gloves! Did a pretty good job of protecting the bike though!
Your missing your belly wing, the tewo smaller bolts tie into the two side fairings, (see the holes in the last pic - one in each side fairing) and the 2 large bolts go into the black metal bracket (also to hold the belly wing)

BTW congrats on the bike.. looks good
Waynes good but Kevin is the man. I've bought 2 bikes from Calmes and had a aweful experience with the first one Bandit with the oil burning problem. I got the sweetest deal on the Busa tho and Kevin took good care of me.
It looks like I'm missing a whole piece of plastic down there though, wouldn't you say (a small belly pan piece of plastic)? I assume there's just one small piece underneath? I'm going to check through all the packing material tomorrow to make sure I didn't over look anything, then call Calmes Motorsport and get it what I need on order.

I assume that small belly pan piece gets bolted on with 4 bolts; 2 connect it to the bottom of the left/right fairing pieces, and 2 more connect it to that that black cross bracket under there? If someone could shoot me a picture of the underside, that would sure help. I need to make sure I have all the part numbers; before I call the dealer tomorrow.
yes, you are also missing the belly pan. Refer back to my picture with the circles, this will show you where the big and little bolts go for the pan. 2 small and 2 big. Once you fit the belly pan up, you will see exactly where the bolts go. Just look back at the pic. Good luck.

So you need a belly pan. And tell them you want your hump too!!!

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Kevin - Yes, that's the picture I needed! Wow, that's a big piece. I'm sure I wouldn't have missed that in the packaging material. Since I found a place for 1 of the 4 extra bolts to go yesterday, I only have 3 extra bolts (2 large and one small) left. Looks like I'll need one more small bolt to attach the belly pan.

It's obvious where the two larger bolts screw into (black bracket), but I'm not sure about the two belly pan front smaller bolts. Is there two nuts that the two smaller screws, screw into, or a bracket? Clip nuts? On the diagram above, does the front two belly pan bolts screw into part #17?

And what is part #15? A washer? I'd like to work up a list of parts I need, before I give the dealer a call. Thanks for all the help!

fstAZfk - Shipping (LA to VA) was $366. Got the hump - check my first picture.
Ummm, What happens though when you try to register it? Your going to be paying state tax then... Might leave a mark.
Revlis - I figured on paying registration fees in Virginia all along. Did the same thing when I bought my RV. Bought it in Florida. Drove it up to Virginia. Registered it and paid taxes here in Virginia (2%).
To my knowledge, Va is actually 3%.

I have all my vehicles registered in va. I use my in-laws addy. I live in md. and tax here is 5%.
AH, Makes sense. So when your living somewhere like Washington where I would be paying like 8.9% it could make sense... Assuming you can pull it off...
Hello all. I've been getting a lot of PM's about my purchase from, so I thought I'd write a follow-up and provide some answers to the forum:

Questions pertaining to putting the bike together.

There was no instructions on how to assemble the bike, but there wasn't a lot to it. All that was required was to slip the windshield into place and install the windshield (2 rubberized bolts), the mirrors (very easy to install), battery (install the electolyte (acid), I charged it overnight, then slipped it into place and connected the two cables), clutch and brake handles (very easy install - one bolt & one nut each), and install the belley pan faring piece (which they didn't ship for some reason) with 4 bolts. Then put gas in it, and away ya go (very fast)!

As for the extra bolts noted above? They go to the Belly Pan faring piece, which, for some reason, wasn't shipped with my bike. (Thanks to forum members I was able to figure that out.) The belly pan piece should be here next week (more below), so I'll just bolt it on.

Question: Did the fluids come with the bike or you go get them?

Yes, all brake, clutch, and engine oil came in the bike (right out of the crate) and all where filled to the appropriate level.

Question: You said you had to get "replacement" farings(?) ... what did you do just get a picture of it and call them back up and they shipped them to you, while you returned the bad ones?

Actually I had 3 problems with the shipment; 1), the left faring had a very, very small scuff mark on it that I could not buff out. I was almost embarrassed to report it because it was so minor - but I did anyway!, 2), the hump had a small scratch on it, and 3) the belly pan piece of faring was totally missing. This dealership (Calmes Suzuki) stood behind their word 100%. All I did was immediately email them pictures of the defective or missing parts, and that same day they shipped the replacement and missing parts right out to me. (Of course, they want the defective parts back for warranty purposes.) It has been my experience that you have fight local dealerships to get them to do this sort of thing for you (especially after you drive it off their lot), but not Calmes Suzuki! And no, I don't have to send any of the parts back until the new ones show up.

All-in-all this was a great buying experience for me. The few hassles above are minor - and Calmes Suzuki was a pleasure to deal with. In comparison, my local dealerships made me feel like they were doing me a favor selling me a bike! Just prior to ordering from buyoutofstate, I was seriously considering buying my Busa from a local dealer. The guy made me feel like he didn't have time to talk to me - so I said, "the hell with this", and left! On top of that, I made tons of calls... there wasn't a dealership within 400 miles of me that would beat (or even match) the price!

Based on the "kids" some of these dealerships hire to put bikes together, I felt putting the bike together myself was a real plus. Another reason I went this route was, some dealerships charge extra to build the bike (preparation charges).

Would I buy this way again? Yes, definitely. There's something really cool about knowing your brand new bike, right out of the crate!

If you go the route, ask to deal directly with Kevin. He's the owner. Kevin is resigned to making sure his customers are well taken care of, and he takes that very seriously (very refreshing compared to my local dealers around here!). Deal with Kevin directly!

I learned, wherever you end up buying your bike from, make sure you push the bike into the sun and check it over for defects very closely. The crates catch hell during the shipping process, and shipping crews are sometimes not gentle with them. The crate consists of just an open metal frame structure bolted together with several 12mm bolts and covered in cardboard. It doesn't take much for something to pentrate the cardboard. This can happen when the bikes are delivered to the dealerships or your home.

Oh, one other thing. If you decide to go with buyoutofstate, wear gloves when unbolting the crate. Those metal edges are frinkin' sharp!
Glad to see that you finally got your bike and I know that you are releaved that it finally arrived. Nice looking bike.:D