Bye, Bye to the Busa? Maybe.... What do you all think?

It's not super comfy for passengers, it's comfortable but not as much as Vulcan, the m109r is basically a cruiser/sportbike/ muscle bike hybrid kinda thing, inverted forks, great brakes and runs real good, it will be more comfortable for your wife then a sportbike but not nearly As good as traditionally cruiser.

They are fun and coming from a busa you will like it, I just couldn't take being passed by my friends anymore and bought another busa.:laugh:
Am I the only one that notice you said you were trying to buy a house? Must be the woman in

You might want to talk to your lender to see if now would be a good time to hit your credit with a major purchase.
Those are great reponses, but we are preapproved for 550k house and buying 200k house. The payment should only be about 80-90 a month.

My big question is, she is sitting here and said, it just has to be more comfortable then the Busa. I will just feel to old and flummpy, I think on the Vulcan. With 1k off and 0% for 60 months, them givng me 8k for the Busa, there is no better time then now to ride it. I don't really ride with anyone in Philly. The people I know who have bikes, never ride and I most just enjoy riding myself. I think this could be a great bike. Kind of a not so big mid life crisis.

Thoughts? I am trying to go for the best of both worlds. The wife would do 4 hours on the Busa, but now she wants be a lil more comfortable. I am not fully ready for a full cruiser, i.e. Vulcan yet. It looks nice, but I think the M109R Limited Edition makes more sense to me. I think that I would enjoy riding daily also. I can also add bags and a better back seat for her. My motorcycle airbag jacket will look good also.

Well, experience?
Get her a nice passenger Gel seat and a back rest for the Busa. If you have to..Put bags on it. Corbin has some nice ones I think. Personally, I could Never enjoy riding one of those things. Especially a Kawi! Just the thought of it gives me an ill feeling. Just My Opinion Of Course....???

Just something you should know. The M109 is notorious for shifting like a lawn tractor. The riders refer to it as "GRRSLAP" when you make the mile long throw from 1st to 2nd. I made a huge mistake in 2010 and traded my Gen1 Busa for an M90 (1500cc version of the larger M109). The two share the same traits. For looks the M109 is wicked, but they also jolt you pretty good if you hit a decent bump in the road. I had every intention of getting one until I tried the M90 for a while. That lasted less than six months. Then I bought a ZX14 (Another bad idea). I brought home my new Gen 2 today.:happy::happy:

The Vulcan is a nice heavy cruiser and we considered one as well, but I am just not ready. It is a COMPLETELY different ride. I even tested out the Yamaha Raider, which is reputed to challenge the 109 in every way. Ultimately it is up to the individual.

Best of luck on your decision.

I have both Busa and M109r for rides with the wife best of 2 worlds M109r is great for coming off the Busa not quite a old man cruiser with plent of pull :thumbsup:
I have a M109 and a gen 1 busa and my girlfriend hates riding on the busa as well she thinks the 109 is fairly comfortable of course its not going to be a comfortable as a full blown cruiser. but with that being said i have rode on other cruisers and the ride on the 109 is much more fun. It doesnt run like the busa but it pulls hard and you can have some spirited rides with it. Corso your right that shift from first to second is pretty rough, but you get used to it! :laugh:
From what I have seen though the M109R LTD ED makes more sense to me. It is sportier and not as old man as the vulcan but still a good cruising bike.

I don't think I will be gettin ght busa back, just becuase the heat problem. I am telling you, if you guys could feel how hot my butt and inner thighs and legs are from the busa, you would understand why I am trading it in.

I just think the M109 makes more sense then the Vulcan. I dont understand what you guys are referring to for the shifts between 1st and 2nd gear?
I looked at a harley Road King Classic.. the problem that is like $200 a month for 5 yrs, with a house on its way.. little more then I wanted to spend. I think the M109R LTD really does make sense. From their forum there is alot of things to do with it. It just stinks.. I have this amazing, beautiful, wonderful, Blue/Gold Betty, but she over heats to much for me. I will miss that curvy, lovely thing... I am calling the shop to see if they have one. The other local shop said 13k for the LTD edition, they don't have it, but they can locate one.... Any ideas on what I should pay?
i have to wonder about the heat problem that you initially referenced. do you have an aftermarket pipe? possibly without a remap?

if its running lean it is running hot.
Yes, I have an aftermarket Yoshi-Tri oval, but they are slip ons. The only other MOD was k&N Air filter. So everyone says, my bike doesnt need PC or Mapped or running leaning with just slip ons and air filter change.
My 2 cents: the "heat" issue you're having with the Busa can/should be FIX-able. I am guessing the service department is NOT trying too hard to fix it since you're a possible buyer for a new bike (then they'll make money TWICE: on the trade-in and on the new sale).

After reading your posts, sounds like you have already made up your mind to lose the Busa and get the 109. You can pretty much rationalize everything from this point on so if budget can allow a house payment + new bike (and mods), then I say GIT R DONE.
I just purchased a cruiser as well. I wanted something to pack a decent amount of gear and travel about for a while.

I chose a Concours. Not to stylish but I have yet to run across an owner who wasn't happy with theirs.