Cable TV help?

here some crappy cell phone video...

Wow, I don’t know what you do (MD?) but looks like people are well taken care of and comfortable.
I don’t know why, but I felt like it is a modern day Patch Adams facility.
Very nice.
Wow, I don’t know what you do (MD?) but looks like people are well taken care of and comfortable.
I don’t know why, but I felt like it is a modern day Patch Adams facility.
Very nice.
pretty close... we do IVE replacement therapy... for immuno suppressed people that are missing one of 5 IVE proteins in their blood..

you spend 4 hours here, costs $10G or more and we see you every 3 to 4 weeks forever.... So I make them comfy..
iI have an amplifier I could send you, I used it on my Comcast cable service, but recently switched to dish, I don't think I really noticed a difference, its the one the cable guy installed because the picture was snowy as you describe, yours if you want to try it
hmmm that looks like a great solution... $100?

Satellite Engineering Group | Products | Product Details

this is the correct unit? EDIT: looks like just a filter for the amp... link to amp?

Nope they're more than that. LOL Yeah, that's just the filter.

Try here: Professional Equipment | Distribution Amplifiers | Solid Signal

The model to get depends on the frequencies you need and if you require the active return (two-way) channel. And how much dB gain you need.

These amps are used in Apartment complexes, etc. I have one at home and I also bought one for work...
pretty close... we do IVE replacement therapy... for immuno suppressed people that are missing one of 5 IVE proteins in their blood..

you spend 4 hours here, costs $10G or more and we see you every 3 to 4 weeks forever.... So I make them comfy..

Not meaning to change the subject but I would just like to say how much I admire what you are doing there. :bowdown: Quality of life and being comforted while the process is taking place is very important in the healing process.
Thank you for the video and the info on this - Never ceases to amaze me what we can do for each other and the things I don't know.
Thanks again and keep up the good work.