Calif to start "smog checking" motorcycles !!! UPDATE

Me Too! I have written my state senator twice and didn't get any kind of an answer except to start getting her news letter. Sometimes I don't think those pukes in Sacramento or Washington give a rats *ss what we think or want. :thumbsup:
Being as smog tech here in the state of calif smog test operation here.. I have been seeing more and more info coming to my shop and they say we are heading that way the test would be for emissions and noise from after market exhaust to loud you fail so everyone keep your stock pipes we might just have to change back to pass the test :rulez: and yes its just another tax
Being as smog tech here in the state of calif smog test operation here.. I have been seeing more and more info coming to my shop and they say we are heading that way the test would be for emissions and noise from after market exhaust to loud you fail so everyone keep your stock pipes we might just have to change back to pass the test :rulez: and yes its just another tax

Lets hope thats all it'll be. Otherwise we are basically opt to get pulled over by LEO for nothing more than inspection which I do not agree with.
This is why I miss Philly at least we know who the criminals are there. Here they call themselves senattor and State govt. Hopefully I'll be moving to Nevada in a few 6 months where gun control means using both hands.
Very good young man! Well stated! You Calif yoyos come on over the hill..........we got lots of high speed open desert highways for ya, lots of good clean air, very little traffic (except in that hot h*ll hole Vegas) and most of us walk around with out shirts pulled out (packin').
I moved away from that smog choked state in 1966 and haven't had the inclination nor the time to look back since!! They don't even have a smog check here in CC for cars! :thumbsup:
California is a mess, I feel for the good people that live there. You guys need to take control before your shirts are taxed right off your backs and your freedoms are eroded any further.
what follows is fines for any shop caught doing work on these bikes and then the fines and fixit bills for the owner ($500 would be a bargain)..

Old timers will remember what happened with all this and cars about 30 years ago... shops went broke when state inspectors arrived unannounced, fined them for each CAT they found (10G each with no limit), fined them for even touching modified cars etc... was a gold mine for exhaust shops as they sold motorists $1000 catalytic converters and another $500-$1000 to replace the AIR systems... I made tens of thousands over about 2 years retrofitting OEM smog gear... cha-ching... (only loosers are the owners)

Not to worry, the law makers will lie to you and say it aint so... am here to tell you it is..
and that's why I love the org I can just modify it myself with all the great wealth of knowledge that I collect little by little. what do you mean my cat has no inside? :whistle:
and that's why I love the org I can just modify it myself with all the great wealth of knowledge that I collect little by little. what do you mean my cat has no inside? :whistle:
wont fly... they can spot an empty cat from across the parking lot...