California Highway Patrol !!!

I have seen charger in Jax, FL and once a Mustang near Martyle Beach..

But here in NY no unmarked car can pull you over. It's against the law now. As there were incident where crooks scammed being a cop with their car and later people started not to pull over if a unmarked car signals them.

But anyway, IMO, it's hard to spot a cop car coming after you with the Busa mirrors. Don't have good zoom. :( Anyway now I keep my right mirror for sitting position view and the left for leaning forward position. So that atleast I can keep an eye on my six at all time.
they have everything in dc/md lol

seen old pickups with a hatch on the back, crystler 300's that looked bone stock, dodge suv's, they have like 4 busa troopers in northern va, a lot of undercover impalas, both new and old (they have no visible lights and usually have very dark tint.)

so yea we see a lot lol
Wouldn't it be easier to just drive the speed limit? or very close to it? I see cops all the time with no fear at all of getting a ticket.
We're having a fiasco around here, our police want to replace all their '08 crown vics with chargers. They've managed to replace a damaged vic with a charger so far and they have a confiscated hummer that they converted to a drug cruiser. But they probably won't do the confiscated vehicle thing again because the community was kinda critical of how the confiscation went down.
On another note, the cops around here have been following me around lately as well, but they can't pull me over if I'm not speeding:whistle:
there are just waiting for you to get that itch on your right wrist...they think sooner or later you'll speed up and then they'll catch you...dont let them have the last laugh brother...:laugh:
I remember in NC.. they had a 4wd blazer or tahoo on 35in mud terrains, lift kit, it was set up real nice..

They used it to chase down the trespassing off roaders..

At least once a month I had guys with trespassing tickets and court dates..

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In NC there are grey Dodge Chargers around every corner and they are tough.
This must be the strictest state.
They top out at around 150mph.
You gotta hand it to the CHP... :beerchug:





Here they have white ones, gray ones and black ones, not to mention the unmarked suvs, tahoes, excursions ect... Well you get the picture...Be careful in Alabama...

I was reading this without looking at who posted, b/c I was about to post the same thing. If you're real bad, the preludes & mustangs come out of the woodwork.. I've seen it happen twice in Mobile.
Interesting. I had breakfast today with one of the chiefs of the CHP. He's a great guy and a former motor officer. Said the Chargers were cheaper than a Camero or Mustang, doesn't know if there is enough room in the front for all the gear that goes in a CHP car these days. He also worries about whether the Dodge's are going to hold up.

Last he said his own Crown Vic, and he has a very special one, will outrun the Chargers, even with the bullet proofing in the car... at about 10 mpg around town and 12 on the freeways...
Wouldn't it be easier to just drive the speed limit? or very close to it? I see cops all the time with no fear at all of getting a ticket.

Don't really know you but some of us like to put the busa to use not as a moped!!!!
Indiana State troopers are hurting for money! They are using siezed vehicles. Saw someone in a fully equipped (lights and all) 05 Tahoe on 22" wheels pulling over some lady in a minivan the other day! Sneaky Sneaky Sneaky!
well Hawaii has found a way to avoid paying for fleet vehicles. HPD can use their personal vehicles ( trailblazer, mustang, camaro, honda accord, chargers and a 1989 chevy celebrity station wagon) to name a few. they just hide thier lights inside the car and try to race you.
I had this happend to me, on my expedition against a charger, once I didn't bite, he was following me so close on the freeway that once i lost sight of his windshiled a brake check got his attention. no ticket but nice conversation.