Call of duty (Black Ops)


Anybody playing online ? We should get a squad together, not that I'm any good, LoL

Name is DCchild96

Anyone interested ?
i was awesome at CODMW2. 2.4 KDR. I just dont have the ambition to get the new one... Im sure if i played one game of MW2 id be getting it so im restraining. Ive got mod fever at the moment for the busa :laugh:
I like the current commercial for black ops.

- Black Ops Commercial Spot: Kobe & Kimmel "There is a Soldier in All of Us"[/url]
I like it, not as much as MW2. If you liked World at War you'd like this (made by same people that made WaW). It's almost like they just extended it. Live is okay. But now I can't wait for the other company to make another Modern Warfare !
Rent it 1st. I'm not thrilled with it.

I think I might start doing that. Last month I bought Medal of Honor, and beat it in like 4 hours (on normal), but haven't even played it live yet. It was okay, but I would have just waited for CoD.

have any of you guys played Bad Company ?

I just heard about it last week. I guess they have a pretty big following.
I should be getting it this weekend.. wont be home till next weekend tho.. fell free to sent me a invite DarkCarni813 PS3
I like Black ops but the intro/story line at the beginning of every level kills me. Wish you could skip past it all and get back to the killing.:thumbsup:
Most of the war games FPS's are concentrating on multi-player stuff. Seems we all just want to kill each other. Which means the single player stuff gets gimped out of the game. Studies have shown that playing these types of games can elevate stress level and create more aggressive attitudes in daily life.

I have BC2 and it's a good multi-player,but the single player was short lived. Don't plan on buying anymore FPS's for while unless one really comes out that is extraordinary.