cam chain tensioner replaced

DO any of your pals have a trailer? If so maybe put it back thhe way you found it and carry it back. Yeah I know a lot of work... :( :(
This story sucks ass. I'd be wanting to kill.

check email Nuts
No. They'd Fu*k it up big style.

I fixed it, now mit goes to another dealer. I will get him to take the tensioner out and replace with a new one, and he can inform Suzuki that the other place is putting in substandard parts.


yep. here's the diary of events...

this is how Carnell, Milton Keynes operate.

Went to see the dealer months ago (before the York drag do.) techy guy listened to bike and agreed tensioner was knackered.

rang on a tuesday about 3 weeks ago to get them to change tensioner. wited till the following friday (10 days) to have it fitted, appointment booked. turned up only to be told they hadn't ordered one.


they didn't ring, so I rang 1 week later (yesterday morning) service manager sounded concerned (just got back off holiday blah blah) said he would gop and check to see if tensioner was in, would ring back in 5 mins.

He did, and they had one, but no gasket, hopefully they could reuse mine (yeah, I know, I should have twigged sooner..........)
anyway he says come over straight away.

this I did, and asked to see old tensioner as I had studied it and descreetly marked it for recognition purposes.

was taking a little longert than I anticipated (I know it takes no more than 15 minutes to swap)

walked outside top where the gates are to the workshops, and they are all standing around my bike, listening to it. I can hear it too. A vibration type rattle at idle. hes there blipping the throttle and listening. different bloke comes out al suited up and takes it for a ride (without even asking this P1sses me off!!)

Techy guy comes over and I ask him what the noise is. He says its not the tensioner, but thinks its the coil on the fuel line not routed properly....

well, as it turns out it is the tensioner. I'm getting more angry writing this, I'm going to stop now, will finish it later
That really stinks.

I wonder how many "statistics" on the road are a result of **** ups like this.

All in all, how many hours have you spent on this poop?

well, since I took delivery of the bike, I would say first month about 1 hour a day on the phone, since then about 2 hours a day tryog to fix things that ought to be done right the first time....5.5 months, probably lets say 1 hour a day, 150hours.

Shoulda spent the extra £800 that the small dealer was charging for same machine. Would have been worth it.

I might have just been thrown a life line........will keep you posted....

How did FK say poop?

Hey I did it too!

Uncensored Nuts?

[This message has been edited by 'lantabusa (edited 19 August 2000).]
poop, ****, arse, piss, tits, bum, wank, FK, Scotish, are these working too??

Looks like the F word is still banned :D :D

rude and naughty Nuts ;)

[This message has been edited by NumbNuts (edited 19 August 2000).]