Well gentlemen after much consideration and reading over the posts countless times I had to give it to phil823. I felt he was deserving for a few reasons that were never posted or made public and he just got lucky. First of all I have a huge respect for any medical professional (accept the accountants that milk every penny possible and soulless people that watch a family lose everything and still ask for more) I had some dealings with great medical staff last year and I told myself I would do my best to help any one of them any where in the world whenever possible. Also he has confirmed that he is going to cover shipping costs to red1100cc for use on his 4 corners ride and even cover shipping from red when the trip is over. Sounds like a stand up guy to me, I think we are all pretty straight up on this forum. Anyone that chooses a profession where they literally save the lives of strangers deserves a lot in my opinion
Red1100cc I have to give you lots of cudoes on being a stay at home dad. I bet every father on this forum would love to spend more time with there kids, and I know I wish I had a better relationship with my father. For that reason, if you happen to have a paypal account I would be happy to toss a few bucks your way for a new camera fund. maybe a few of the other orgsters present will help out and spread the word and you can get yourself a used camera for a good price. I'll need your address PM'd to me and I'll get this shipped in the next day or 2 and hopefully it makes it in time for your trip.
There were many deserving people out there and I wish I had a dozen of these to give away but I do not. Thanks for the interest and keep an eye out this time next year for the next give away from me at least, this seems to be a trend on here lately so you never know what will be next.....