No different than a harley 3wheeled trike. You might not be on 2 wheels per say but I seen them at bike nights and they always draw a crowd. I say do what you gotta do to keep on riding!!
OP- If you've already ridden one and enjoyed it, then it's a no brainer. For that wind feel I'd personally rather just buy a convertible Grand Sport Corvette or something, but by all means, if you enjoy riding the spider, make it happen.
I have a riding buddy; his daughter rides one and he thinks it's a very nice ride. She rides with us once and awhile. Just remember it's not a bike and you'll be fine. Sounds like you have some experience already.
Well, I've got one--a 2012 RT--touring model. I only got it because the wife is afraid to ride on 2 wheels. I still have my 'busa so I have the best of both worlds. I'm not ready to give up 2 wheels, but honestly, the Spyder is fun for when we ride 2 up--she's comfortable--so I'm happy! Here's a pic:
Those things are death on 3 wheels. We had one here took on trade and I rode it around the parking lot. It plodded thru the simple turns I tried to make. I can totally see why they push off turns and kill folks. You can either steer thru it or not there's no turning harder to make the turn as that only made it push wide more. I didn't like it at all.
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