Can anybody relate?

As far as Injury, I can relate... just got home with a 84k check from and accident in 2007 wherethe law was in favor of the culprit (related)... so I was handed down a few extra tickets for injuring a person that rana red light at 66 MPH on a 35 MPH zone, totalling my truck and injuring my wife.. but is relative was in a hurry to pick his mother according to the police officer....PS he lost his job as part of the settlement...

Do I understand this right the LEO charged you cause the guy who hit you was a relative of his ?
I hope what ever it is you are going through works out ok. My mom and step-dad are finalizing an accident they were in back in '04. It is a giant pain in the but.

I would not give Thrash or Rev a hard time they described your post perfectly until you gave a little more info. If you are down and want attention then ask for it the people here are pretty comapssionate and I think you will get plenty of what you need.

No comment on this it a full moon out ????, wait a minute.....why YES IT IS a full moon.... :moon: Thank ya...thank ya very mushhhh.... :super:

BTW Ron IS da' sh!d to ride with....fearless and loud !!!
Our nephew is going through the same thing. He is waiting on a settlement. The last six years have been he$% for him. Some of it was from choices he made in how to deal with his emotional distress. Drinking, abusing prescription drugs, street drugs, DUIs (which he deserved) fighting with his girlfriends and so on. But honestly how does anyone deal with the death of a 2 year old. He has now finally been able to talk about it and activaly get help through counceling. Only after much straight talk eyeopening conversations and let him take responsibility for his actions rather than coddle him and try to make it better for him. He still has a long way to go, the healing process has begun. There was no "criminal" case, it was ruled an accident. So he filed a civil suit against the homeowners (the place where his X-wife and child lived with her boyfriend and his family). By the time everything is said and done he might end up with 50K for the death of his child. The kicker is 18 yr old X wife who was abusive and refused to allow him or any of his family to see his son and who was partying in the basement with friends when her son left the non baby proofed house and decided to go through the open gate to the household swimming pool, gets half of the settlement. So yeah, when you say sometimes it isn't worth the money cause of what happen to get it, I understand. But hopefully it will allow you to get your life back on track and begin the "healing" process.

I did not read your PM's. I figured they were going to piss me off so I felt best not to read them.

I read the rest of of this thread until this point. sorry you are going through anything. with the info I had at the time I posted what I felt needed to be posted.

I still feel the the thread started out in away that was not productive. Like someone else said, a good group of people here. if you need a shoulder, and you want to lay it out, lay it out.

But if you dont want the general population to know about something, best you keep your conversations to PM's or phone calls.

People are not going to give you support withot knowing what the F is going on usually.

For example, regardless of how you started the post, if I had known a little history, I still feel the way the thread was started was annoying, but I would have ignored. it.

Good luck on whatever is going on with you.
Hey, I hope everything works out for you.

Unfortunately, I can relate. My divorce was pretty nasty, involving things such as paternity & the division of property (that is NEVER done properly), etc. In the end, I won to some extent, but I lost a whole hell of a lot as well, somethings that can't just readily be replaced.

But such is life sometimes, we may have to lose a substantial amount in order to gain something that we could never imagine.
Not trying to steal the thread, but the laws here in hawaii apparently only apply to the haolies... it was a mess for 18 months, not only that I got charge for the accident I was also been harrased by the officer and got 3 tickets from him coming out of my house (Fail to signal into a public street) comming out of my garage, speeding (17 on a 15), getting my vehicle towed from my driveway for impeding the use of sidewalk(car was about two feet from said sidewalk). one of my accidents witnesses was a Police Officer from Pearl Harbor, who almost got clipped in the accident and he actually came in my defense in the middle of the accedent because the cop was going to arrest me while my wife was in the ambulance to the hospital. trust me not a fun time.. But at the end, really, I only feel like the lawyer won... not me :laugh:
Not trying to steal the thread, but the laws here in hawaii apparently only apply to the haolies... it was a mess for 18 months, not only that I got charge for the accident I was also been harrased by the officer and got 3 tickets from him coming out of my house (Fail to signal into a public street) comming out of my garage, speeding (17 on a 15), getting my vehicle towed from my driveway for impeding the use of sidewalk(car was about two feet from said sidewalk). one of my accidents witnesses was a Police Officer from Pearl Harbor, who almost got clipped in the accident and he actually came in my defense in the middle of the accedent because the cop was going to arrest me while my wife was in the ambulance to the hospital. trust me not a fun time.. But at the end, really, I only feel like the lawyer won... not me :laugh:

im glad that cop lost his job.
i wasn't refering to your situation. i have no knowledge about that..

i was just refering to going to court and knowing i have a tight case. from a law enforcement stand point i can relate.

your a cop? Bet you dont get much resisting:laugh:
i wasn't refering to your situation. i have no knowledge about that..

i was just refering to going to court and knowing i have a tight case. from a law enforcement stand point i can relate.

I gotcha.
It's just that people were beating on me because I hadn't provided any info about my situation.

How's the weather over there?
My old college roommate in Lafayette says it got cold.
My mother is dealing with an accident that has disabled her permanently. She was rear ended at a stop light by someone that was a friend of hers. Obviously, they no longer speak to each other. She has been rehabilitating for 3 years now. The force of the blow hyper extended her back at such an arc that the vertebrae meshed back together incorrectly. She is on a constant dose of morphine and comes up with some crazy off the wall stuff. In fact, we are having a bit of a disagreement right now and I attribute it to the drugs that she is on. I am struggling in the fact that I don't have enough patience and compassion to be the good son and keep my mouth shut when I disagree with something she says or does. Lisa, I am sorry for what you are going through however it's not a good idea to throw bread crumbs as others have said. When I read the 1st line, I was a little irritated myself. If you want to share and discuss things, be more forthcoming with what you want to talk about. This is the same kind of stuff my mother does and it drives me absolutely fugging nuts. I guess that I am an a55 as well.
My mother is dealing with an accident that has disabled her permanently. She was rear ended at a stop light by someone that was a friend of hers. Obviously, they no longer speak to each other. She has been rehabilitating for 3 years now. The force of the blow hyper extended her back at such an arc that the vertebrae meshed back together incorrectly. She is on a constant dose of morphine and comes up with some crazy off the wall stuff. In fact, we are having a bit of a disagreement right now and I attribute it to the drugs that she is on. I am struggling in the fact that I don't have enough patience and compassion to be the good son and keep my mouth shut when I disagree with something she says or does. Lisa, I am sorry for what you are going through however it's not a good idea to throw bread crumbs as others have said. When I read the 1st line, I was a little irritated myself. If you want to share and discuss things, be more forthcoming with what you want to talk about. This is the same kind of stuff my mother does and it drives me absolutely fugging nuts. I guess that I am an a55 as well.

Thank you for your thoughts.

I was extremely overwhelmed when I started the thread, and rushing out the door to schlep over to the other side of downtown LA to get the MRI of my knee. Perhaps next time I'll gather my thoughts on paper first, so I don't start a thread the wrong way.

Try to have more patience with your mother. I have trouble gathering my thoughts. People get mad at me. I'm really doing the best I can. It really hurts that people expect me to be just like them, be able to speak as quickly as they can. I can't. That's one of my permanent injuries.
I just can't do it sometimes.
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She's experienced and I am confident in her competence.

Fortunately for my case/unfortunately for me is the preponderance of the evidance. I have lost almost everything in my life except my life itself. No amount of money could assuage the losses.
Posted via Mobile Device


I am truly sorry. I can speak from experience.
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