Can i have one?


Im not going to ask wether the busa is a good first bike; but if you are not experienced and do drive slow is it ok or do you need experience just for slow riding?

Dont mention front pannels $$$, side pannels $$$
Im not going to ask wether the busa is a good first bike; but if you are not experienced and do drive slow is it ok or do you need experience just for slow riding?

Dont mention front pannels $$$, side pannels $$$
you need a lot of experiance to ride a busa, at any speed. there really is no point in even thinking about it.
Don`t even think about it, got it?
You will be broke in no time with all those upgrades available.... ask SPEEDEMON.
If I were you, i'd start out with something like a katana 600 or 750. Especially if it will be your first bike.

Then.........If you can snatch the pebble from my hand young can ride the BUSA!!!!!!!!
if money was never a question i would say yes but accesories, insurance, bike replacement, medical bills and some say life is priceless so make your choice
Busa would be out of the question.....better start with a Go Ped
YES!!! you do need experience, even if you are going slow...fact is, 1 nanno second later you could be propelled down the road at a very high velocity...if your new to bikes I would for sure start with something a bit more mild.
There are things that you will never learn until you ride a motorcycle. Remember, there are two kinds of riders, those that have gone down and those that will go down. Do you really want to do that on a Busa (and this bike will definetly increase that risk)? You make the decision, but I would recommend a 600, they are fast and good starters so you won't get bored anytime soon.
This is kinda like askin... If i take it easy and carefully, do you think i can takeoff with a plane, do a circuit and land with no problems?

You failed to mention if you have ever ridden a street bike before. If not, any bike, no matter how small or large will get you into trouble. Borrow a dirt bike or something similiar and practice gear change/clutch and brake coordination. It's hard enough out there staying out of harms way when the mechanics are second nature, but would be pure murder if you were preoccupied and unfamiliar with the procedure.
umm the answer is no i am young i know but i have had ridden street since 15 and yes they are expensive bikes to own man the accesories are all over the place
Why would you want to buy a 'Busa and ride slow?

Are you just trying to impress your friends/total strangers?

What's your motivation?

Get something smaller first, get some good gear, some training and experience, then find out if you want to/can go fast.

Then maybe you can impress yourself by riding a 'Busa properly.
Im not going to ask wether the busa is a good first bike; but if you are not experienced and do drive slow is it ok or do you need experience just for slow riding?

Dont mention front pannels $$$, side pannels $$$
Well how unexperienced are you ?

If you are at least dirt bike experienced . You know how to shift etc...
You can start with a v twin , like an sv 650 .
Drivers Ed in California is now using Enzo's.

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