I guess this pretty much summed up my feelings about it too.Different strokes for different folks. War is hell and should be no holds barred. If I were killed by an enemy I wouldn't expect any less...you're just that ... the enemy, piss away. What do I care if it were me, I'd be dead.![]()
This is a very interesting and dividing question. Many who know me know that I am not very PC when it comes to things.
I look at it this way. Was what these Marines did Politically Correct? Probably not. Do we as Americans try to hold ourselves to a higher standard? Yes we do.
War is not a GAME. It is not something developed by Parker Borthers or Playskool or Atari. It is life and death for those involved in the actual combat. It is controlled by higher ups usually sitting in a protected office miles away. Some of these higher ups have never been in a life and death situation and yet they get to make the rules of engagement and conduct.
Does the enemy degrade the dead enemy? Yes they do, not always but they do, and this is seen by our military people. This weighs heavy on their minds and during stressful situations they may make a decison that is not 100% popular with the majority of people. Worse things have happened in war.
Do these indiviuals deserve career ending discipline? NO! Do they deserve sensitivity training? Probably not! Do they need to be trained on what to record forever and what not to record? YES. Do we need to keep the media out of the war zone and stop embedding them with military units? YES YES YES.
Do I condone what these Marines did? I can not answer that because I was not there and I do not know what these Marines had to endure prior to this video being made. Maybe they were on patrol in a town recently and someone peed on them from a window. Maybe they saw a fellow military member captured or killed by the enemy. If you were not with this group I do not think you can armchair general what they did.
This is my opinion on this subject. Not everyone will agree with what I believe or say. That is why the United States is so great. Because we are all intitled to our opinions and are allowed to disagree as long as we remain civil.
Please do not flame me for my opinion. If you disagree then please disciss with me your opinion and we will try to come to a mutual understanding.
Thank you Blanca for posing this for us to discuss.
My final thoughts on this...a dead soldier, whichever side, is a horrible sight. It means that every way we have to communicate has failed and young men and women have been put in harms way to deliver that message. I have never had to deal with the bodies I created but, once dead, the fight is over. There is no honor is desecrating the dead, let us treat them how we would hope our soldiers would be treated (even though we know that is not the case)....this is how societies evolve, this is how we lead.
Agree or not with the dead Terrorists position...they chose to make a stand and respect them for that for many in the world do not have that level of courage in their convictions.
Like I said before..snipers are elite soldiers but sometimes that larger COIN strategy escapes them and I can forgive them for that..hopefully we all can.
Having served for 20 years and having been shot at I simply can not condone what these guys did. They people that were killed were fighting with the same vigor and dedication for what they believed in as we do. Not saying agree with what they were fighting for at all, but isn't killing them enough? All those Marines did was discredit themselves, the Corps and their country as well as add fuel to the situation. You guys sit here and say you didn't have a problem with it. How would you feel if we lost some of our men and a video went out of the enemy pissing on their bodies? In an already hostile environment how did that action do anything to help the situation. If there were civilians sitting on the fence about which side to support, where are they now? They are supporting their countrymen that's where. I lost friends in '91 and '92 and I am here to tell you. If I had seen something like this happening to one of my friends that had been taken, it would be my life's goal to exact justice on the people responsible.