Well toke the wheel off and found the same old bearing and dust shieldOn top of that my chain was rubbing the frame :tantrum: I'm going to woosa so I don't go crazy tomorrow when go to the shop tomorrow. On a side note, why is suzuki the only ones to have the chain so dang close to the frame? My zx6 and my friends 1000rr has at least 1" away from the frame.
Ohh so Suzuki spent $$$$$$$ extra in machine work to have them marks but they arent accurate? Do you really think Suzuki would have spent the extra money in machine work if they werent accurate?
Yeaaahh I am sure with the qaulity of work I got the mechanic used a measuring device and aligned my rear wheel with center of the swingarm, or even better he used a laser to align my wheel.. Yeaaaah Ok? Do you work at America Power Sport?
Just because the marks are there doesn't necessarily mean that they line up exactly the same.
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Ohh so Suzuki spent $$$$$$$ extra in machine work to have them marks but they arent accurate? Do you really think Suzuki would have spent the extra money in machine work if they werent accurate?
Yeaaahh I am sure with the qaulity of work I got the mechanic used a measuring device and aligned my rear wheel with center of the swingarm, or even better he used a laser to align my wheel.. Yeaaaah Ok? Do you work at America Power Sport?
Ohh so Suzuki spent $$$$$$$ extra in machine work to have them marks but they arent accurate? Do you really think Suzuki would have spent the extra money in machine work if they werent accurate?
Yeaaahh I am sure with the qaulity of work I got the mechanic used a measuring device and aligned my rear wheel with center of the swingarm, or even better he used a laser to align my wheel.. Yeaaaah Ok? Do you work at America Power Sport?
Same here, I posted about my front end feeling funny and brought it to the shop I got it from and they said everything is fine even when they test ride it, thats a suzuki thing. Went to an independent shop who just do repairs. Come to find out my wheel was weighted wrong and ruined my tire. So new tire and weights, runs smooth. Shops that sell bikes shouldn't have a repair shop.
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We should make a post and pin it of dealerships not to use. As to Rook, that doesnt make sense that they need a chain. If its that bad you need sprockets too.
Can anyone go a little further explaining the weight thing here? How can it be weighted wrong...too much/little/wrong place/all of these?
I can start the list here:
1. Sloanes - Murfreesburo, Tn - Left the front wheel loose
2. Castle - Rivergate, Tn - After a required test ride of 5 miles my MPG had dropped from 44 mpg to 32 mpg. With 100 miles on the tripometer.
3. Suzuki of Cool Springs - Cool Springs, Tn - 1st time,Destroyed the airbox seal, kinked a radiator hose. 2nd time airbox crooked, hoses left off and wiring harness not screwed in.