Captain's Big Screen TV Rally

All right jsut in time for matrix reloaded on DVD... I will bring the popcorn.:D

Are all sizes and styles available? I get an order in as soon as I find out what you've got left.

Kent Sheldon
Hundreds? :super: Did you have more made or somethin'? I thought we were workin' on the last of 'em. Good news, tho. They're great shirts. As mine fade/wear/whatever I can keep renewin' my supply. :super:
I have hundreds in stock, I have minimum numbers that I have make when I make orders from the vendor
Ahhh, I see now. You needed to sell the 150 mentioned in this thread to pay for yer big screen. I guess I (and others) just assumed that you only had 150 left... I'm with ya now. I'm slow but I catch on eventually. :laugh:
Come on, lets move on these T's. i want to wtch the new screen of Captains before Winter...:D