Caption this one...

yea kind of hard on the pro keds...

sure like to see pics of the landing of that poor turbo busa....
So that's why it's called higherboosa.
you put your left leg innn....
you put right leg out.....
you flip your bike over....and ya shake it all about ......
you do the busa hokey and you flip it all around...
thats what its all aaaabout..

TOLD ya "I could dance around that 14 "
"Damm brown stains in the back!"

"Allright! Detachable windshield and tail are working! No damage!"

"She sure looks mean from this angle"

"Houston, we have a problem"

"Hey! He Cheated!"

"... and for my next trick"
If you really love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it was meant to be...if not, well...maybe it's your breath (?)...
15k in a busa

1200 in leathers and helmet

5 in shoes

screaming omg my foots on fire "Priceless"