Carbon fiber fairings


Looking for fairing that have the light cut out for the ome look. Anyone one got any companies they would recommend? Gen 2
Very pockets only came up with one carbon part......:laugh:
If someone was really serious about it, they could buy a new Hayabusa and fit it with everything in this catalogue and still be less expensive than a Carbon H2 though...

I could only imagine how light a fully CF kitted Hayabusa (fairings, sub frame, rims, rear tail, etc) could be...add in the Ti stuff that @c10 did and you might be sub 400?? It would be a friggin' rocket then..........
If someone was really serious about it, they could buy a new Hayabusa and fit it with everything in this catalogue and still be less expensive than a Carbon H2 though...

I could only imagine how light a fully CF kitted Hayabusa (fairings, sub frame, rims, rear tail, etc) could be...add in the Ti stuff that @c10 did and you might be sub 400?? It would be a friggin' rocket then..........
Hi. My goal is less than 1 lb per HP.
If someone was really serious about it, they could buy a new Hayabusa and fit it with everything in this catalogue and still be less expensive than a Carbon H2 though...

I could only imagine how light a fully CF kitted Hayabusa (fairings, sub frame, rims, rear tail, etc) could be...add in the Ti stuff that @c10 did and you might be sub 400?? It would be a friggin' rocket then..........
I went for the cheaper solution for improving the power to weight ratio.......I dropped 60lbs off the fat ass sitting on the bike:lol:

the spec. weigths in kg / liter (10x10x10 cm = 1000ccm = 1000cm³)
- steel 7.85-7,87
- titanium 4.500

==> using titanium instead of steel saves ~42.5% of weigth

so how many screws and nuts must be changed to titanium til you only reach a total loss of 1 kg ?
and what costs will come up for this idea?
horrible i suppose.

and i have an idea how ligth a busa can be - a buddy droped his gen1 (with 100% full cf all around) down to 192 kg with full 21 l tank etc.
ok when he weighed his busa in 2015 or so he had no lifepo4 in use what could save again 2,5 kg, i guess
without any ti screws etc.
HI. About 800 to 1000 HP.

at 1 hp per pound your drag would be around 400 - 500 lbs??? :eek:
man - to me it seems that´s a heavy bike if i think at the same time over the 192 kg / 420lbs of my buddy´s, in germany street legal, busa. :eek:

By the way I am 49 % German and 49 % English.

that´s pretty nice

and i mean that i read somewhere, that a big part of the us citizens have german roots and that by that in the very early times your ancestors have had a discussion what language should be the legal/official one in the us
and the vote on it ended with only a very narrow / little majority in favor of english language (so much germans were living in the usa at the time) and
if this vote had been the other way around, you would now speak german too.
so - if you think that further ... - it's quite funny what even a very little ( or the smallest by only one single vote more) majority - in a democracy - can cause.

happy new year
stay healthy
good luck with your busa - may her reliability be your best friend
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CF is a lot lighter than the plastic fairings. It's also very stiff. If you designed a set of CF fairings from a clean piece of paper, you would do it differently than plastic. That's the rub, because most just use the plastic fairing to layup the CF ones, and the connections, tabs, and interlocking parts just don't translate well to CF. A couple of the pieces on my bike were a bear to get on because the CF didn't want to flex like the plastic - almost had to break some of it. And once you get it on the bike, it doesn't move with the plastic and I have found myself adjusting it periodically as the less secure tabs and joints pull loose. I even had a local expert look at getting the panels to behave with no luck.

So I think I would epoxy the CF bits to the plastic if I did it all over again. Or just go all CF.
at 1 hp per pound your drag would be around 400 - 500 lbs??? :eek:
man - to me it seems that´s a heavy bike if i think at the same time over the 192 kg / 420lbs of my buddy´s, in germany street legal, busa. :eek:

that´s pretty nice

and i mean that i read somewhere, that a big part of the us citizens have german roots and that by that in the very early times your ancestors have had a discussion what language should be the legal/official one in the us
and the vote on it ended with only a very narrow / little majority in favor of english language (so much germans were living in the usa at the time) and
if this vote had been the other way around, you would now speak german too.
so - if you think that further ... - it's quite funny what even a very little ( or the smallest by only one single vote more) majority - in a democracy - can cause.

happy new year
stay healthy
good luck with your busa - may her reliability be your best friend
Hi. I bike should weigh 450 lbs with ne on it 600 lbs The biks HP should be 800 to 1000HP. Corvette 635 HP 3600lbs