Carbon fiber fairings

CF is a lot lighter than the plastic fairings. It's also very stiff. If you designed a set of CF fairings from a clean piece of paper, you would do it differently than plastic. That's the rub, because most just use the plastic fairing to layup the CF ones, and the connections, tabs, and interlocking parts just don't translate well to CF. A couple of the pieces on my bike were a bear to get on because the CF didn't want to flex like the plastic - almost had to break some of it. And once you get it on the bike, it doesn't move with the plastic and I have found myself adjusting it periodically as the less secure tabs and joints pull loose. I even had a local expert look at getting the panels to behave with no luck.

So I think I would epoxy the CF bits to the plastic if I did it all over again. Or just go all CF.
Hi. My tail and front 3/4 fairing are reinforced with fiberglass lower 1/4 fairing and thank 100% CF. I would like to talk to you I do hate to type. 508-496-3312.