seems odd that the owners of a gun, would report it stolen.....if they really sold it?

anyway, I think a little more concern is needed when buying a firearm.
in iowa you do not have to disclose wether you are carring to an officer. As a matter of fact you dont even have to qualify for the permit on the range. You just have to take a quick class at the county office and have a clean misd, or felony. In my class years and years ago we were told to keep quiet about carrying as most times it just makes an officer more nervous and if you get a trigger happy rookie it could be bad.
i would guess if the officer asks then sure tell but i wouldnt offer the info for the hell of it.
I always run the numbers on guns that are new to me, you never know where they may have been.
IMO exactly the opposite. I've been hassled by the police every time i willfully gave such information. My current practice is to give my DL and when asked if i have any weapons in the car my reply is "I have no illegal weapons on me" and if asked again i just repeat "I have no illegal weapons on me". Willfully offering information to the police just gets you in trouble. Ask a good lawyer i'm sure he will tell you the same thing.

yeaaaaaa... no offence but this is idiotic, and just setting yourself up for failure and or possibly a ticket by the cop feeling you are being a smart ass, or a shady criminal.
While traveling the Blue Ridge Parkway to the Dragon we hit a police check point in Cherokee, NC. Carolina is a must notify state. When the officer asked for ID and registration I held up my Va CCW permit and just pointed to it, he looked and said OK thanks and that was that. Check point, bonus pitures Lin Cove Via duct, and Highest point on BRP.

Parkway Fall 2010 359.jpg

Parkway Fall 2010 360.jpg

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Parkway Fall 2010 343.jpg
I agree with this - he will probably face additional scrutiny even if he can establish he bought the firearm without any knowledge it was stolen - maybe even a visit from ATF.

ATF has been known to confiscate entire legal collections before because owner had been charged with a gun crime. There will be no stop the dozen ninja turtles that show up either. They will stack all the weapons on top of each other and toss them in a trunk then pile them up in an evidence locker. By the they are returned to you if they weren't 'accidentally' melted down the condition of them will bring tears to your eyes.
Damn, that sucks. Wonder why he run the gun numbers. Unless the cop suspected something. In the Granite State cops already know you carry the minute they run your plates.
In TN we are taught to show our hands and tell the officer, I am a CCW holder, would you like to see my permit? and wait.

Hindsite may be 20/20, but you NEVER EVER EVER NEVER EVER EVER purchase a gun without a solid paper trail and receipt, just for instances like this.
Damn, that sucks. Wonder why he run the gun numbers. Unless the cop suspected something. In the Granite State cops already know you carry the minute they run your plates.

This is what I don't understand myself. From what I was told he ran it for no reason. In Va it does show up when they run your tag. He is going to get a lawyer and see what he has to say about it. I just hope it all works out. Thanks for all the info on this.
IMO everything is need to know info.Law or no law..Ooops sorry I forgot is easier than what has happened to dude in Va.. PoPo is not your friend / not your enemy either..PoPo's are revenue officers , their job is to enforce laws that crooked politicians / control freeks make, in order to get revenue for the state. I absolutely can not think of 1 thing an officer can do for me that I cant take care of myself.. My motto is stay low , do whats morally right . So again think about it the officer, the DA , a Judge all get their license and authority from the state .All get paid by the state , No paper work, less laws create less funds. They are not there to just be your friend or be on your side, they are there for revenue.
IMO everything is need to know info.Law or no law..Ooops sorry I forgot is easier than what has happened to dude in Va.. PoPo is not your friend / not your enemy either..PoPo's are revenue officers , their job is to enforce laws that crooked politicians / control freeks make, in order to get revenue for the state. I absolutely can not think of 1 thing an officer can do for me that I cant take care of myself.. My motto is stay low , do whats morally right . So again think about it the officer, the DA , a Judge all get their license and authority from the state .All get paid by the state , No paper work, less laws create less funds. They are not there to just be your friend or be on your side, they are there for revenue.

+1 - everyone, including on this site, believes cops are supposed to "serve and protect." They are actually not legally obliged to perform said actions. Good luck to your friend.
IMO everything is need to know info.Law or no law..Ooops sorry I forgot is easier than what has happened to dude in Va.. PoPo is not your friend / not your enemy either..PoPo's are revenue officers , their job is to enforce laws that crooked politicians / control freeks make, in order to get revenue for the state. I absolutely can not think of 1 thing an officer can do for me that I cant take care of myself.. My motto is stay low , do whats morally right . So again think about it the officer, the DA , a Judge all get their license and authority from the state .All get paid by the state , No paper work, less laws create less funds. They are not there to just be your friend or be on your side, they are there for revenue.

PocketRocket somehow I just don't see many cops believing you when you say
'ooops I forgot to tell you I had a gun'
We all know that's priority one on their mind and by not telling them I feel your concealing knowledge they should know.
If your legal and have permit what's there to be afraid of ?
Be honest up front and forthright with them, they will greatly appreciate it.

I only speak from knowledge of Florida and Tennessee as these are only two states I've ever been stopped in.
I kind of misread what PocketRocket wrote, I would probably be upfront about a gun with an officer, probably better for you that way. Everything else on the other hand, is a need to know. I definitely do not agree with the giving them any more information than they need to know however. In my experience, it is very seldom that pulling a Jim Carrey in Liar Liar works out in your favor. You can be nice to an officer while also sharing only necessary information.

PocketRocket does have a point though - this guy was upfront with an officer, ended up biting him in the ass. Being honest sucks sometimes. I tend to have this guys kinda luck.
This is what I don't understand myself. From what I was told he ran it for no reason. In Va it does show up when they run your tag. He is going to get a lawyer and see what he has to say about it. I just hope it all works out. Thanks for all the info on this.

Unfortunately your brother got pulled over for a violation of the law albeit a trivial one but that opens the door. A cop has a duty to secure a incident scene. That would include guns. Once in possesion of the weapon he can indeed check it against crime registries. A police officer can not do a "terry" stop (a show me your id, got any weapons on you or what are you doing here unless there is probable cause you have commited a crime) as it is a violation of your constitutional and civil rights. In virginia a legally owned gun will not even come back to you (owner) as there is no paper trail in Virginia. (No Registry). In order to ascertain the origin of the gun a manual check of records needs to be done by the ATF as the federal government is not allowed to establish a database of legally owned weapons - fully automatics being one exception. This is done so the government can't just go out and start rounding up legally owned guns. Like they did in Canada
In virginia a legally owned gun will not even come back to you (owner) as there is no paper trail in Virginia. (No Registry). In order to ascertain the origin of the gun a manual check of records needs to be done by the ATF as the federal government is not allowed to establish a database of legally owned weapons - fully automatics being one exception. This is done so the government can't just go out and start rounding up legally owned guns.

Now its been 7 years since I lived in VA and laws could have changed since, but when I was there, if you bought a gun from an authorized Firearms dealer, then the gun was automatically registered with the state and the township where you lived. Those records stayed on file even when you sold the gun you would have to contact the state and city records office to notify that the gun was transferred.
In 2002 or 2003 someone hacked into the Norfolk city records office and put online the entire city gun registration for all to see. It was one hell of a shopping list for criminals since it had the names, addresses, and list of registered firearms for each home!! Including mine!!!!
Why would you have to tell the officer that you have a weapon? Everytime I have been pulled over the first thing the officer says is, "Sir, the reason I pulled you over is because ______". Without pausing, he ask, "do you have any weapons such as guns or knives or anything that may be used as a weapon, illegal drugs or large amounts of cash"? Most of the time, after answering, I get handcuffed for both of our safety.

I never get the change to tell him up front, I can only answer their questions. Any wrong answer is considered a crime. Also, they know I have a CCW because it comes up during the check they run while following me or before they get out of the car. Odds are if you have a CCW, they assume you are carrying.
In VA your CCW shows up when your driver's license is run. I have had two stops, one by the State Police in Northern VA and one by a local cop on I-581. Both officers knew I had a concealed weapons permit within minutes of the stop, once I was carrying, once not. Neither asked to see the weapon...although the state trooper was much nicer than the local cop, another story and one many of the officers here may or may not like...

Bottom line, as many folks have said a paper trail is better than nothing, but hopefully the witnesses will help out with this. I will save my personal comments and opinions...

BTW the Roanoke Times ran an editorial a couple of years ago and got a hold of the ENTIRE database of CCW holders in the COMMONWEALTH of VA and published the entire database! Raised a big stink, and forced many changes to the release of such information, the paper called it a FOI exercise. There have also been a couple of major gun heists in the Roanoke area over the past year or so, ATF is on the look out...
The local liberal paper here in Nashville did the same thing. I wrote a letter to the editor (which they published) stating how irresponsible the paper was for printing that (the didn't care of course); but my last sentence was a zinger, something to the effect that "now the criminal element has to wonder if XXX number of us are as helpless as we may seem"...:thumbsup:
Now its been 7 years since I lived in VA and laws could have changed since, but when I was there, if you bought a gun from an authorized Firearms dealer, then the gun was automatically registered with the state and the township where you lived. Those records stayed on file even when you sold the gun you would have to contact the state and city records office to notify that the gun was transferred.
In 2002 or 2003 someone hacked into the Norfolk city records office and put online the entire city gun registration for all to see. It was one hell of a shopping list for criminals since it had the names, addresses, and list of registered firearms for each home!! Including mine!!!!

Not betting my pinky finger on this but I'm pretty sure the only record of a dealer gun sale in virgina is the hardcopy of a bill of sale and pertainent details kept on site at the dealers business and the -I think it's called a NICS application. Nation instant crime sume sumpin - FBI Database. Anyway state police nor local townships are involved in any way when a gun is purchased. Federally licensed dealers are required to keep all these record imperptuity. And all local gun laws and registration schemes were preempted by state law consolidating the power of the state to regulate guns. You see with the a web of different local laws people will unwittly break the law by driving across some abitrary county or city line. Many states are instituting preemption laws - thank god!