

Here are my thoughts. First, I'm not a fan of censorship, but last week got a little out of hand. This Toobad guy is doing nothing beneficial. He is only looking for a fight. He seems to be a reincarnated former user. Falconcop is not far behind, but does seem to contribute sometimes, and can actually be funny. I do enjoy the open forum and would hate to see drastic changes. I also would prefer not to publicize my real name, address, phone #, social security number, etc. in a public forum as any psycho could generate trouble that I don't need or want. Some of the members do seem to enjoy the flaming. I don't consider myself one of them. No doubt Toobad will respond to this post in some form of sneering attack. I personally will not respond to this. I offered to try and communicate him in some rational form and was not returned the favor. At this point I would be in favor of blocking his (toobad) membership. Not Falconcop's (provided they are not the same guy), though a case could be made there as well. I would like to see the legitimate posting. Anything that has to do with motorcycling. Technical input, trouble shooting, humor and satire. All in all, open forums with out people who seek only to disrupt.

All those in favor type aye

opposed Hit ctrl+alt+delete

I vote cntrl-alt-dlt...If you start censorship you might as well as hang it up...just ignore poop you can't deal with ...who cares what anyone says...if you all would just follow your own advise you would discourage the clowns, but one of you is just as bad as the next... I love it!
No snide remarks here Maui. I think my point has been made although it is lost on some of you. Note that I have never had to use profanity, threats etc only challenge the top 10 to get you to call for censorship. Hahahahahaha Maui you are pathetic! Hahahahahaha

I would love to see the top 10 shipwrecked on an island together, they would kill each other the first week! Hahahahahah That is if they did not die from stupidity first Hahahahaha Nothing but the best!

[This message has been edited by Toobad (edited 05 October 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Toobad (edited 05 October 1999).]

My intent was and is not to censor content.

Your vote of ctrl+alt+delete is duely noted. I respect your comments.

Is this the lone cry for freedom? Anyone else?

Dirty Pete, you can only vote once, well maybe a couple of times. But I draw the line there.
Im all for blocking the worst members,
but you cant just block thier log on name. Untill Chase can block specific ISP's those clowns can just log on as another user. We have a few of those here now. I can name at least two dual personalities. So can most of us. Lets see what chase comes up with. Some sort of documentable sign up for new members.

Los Angeles
This is awful damn funny now. I mentioned the possibility of a registered , password type of system some time back and was sneered at especially by you Pete, remember your free speech lecture you gave me? Whats up with that?
Shipwrecked !! Do Busa's Do good in the sand ?? Prob Not <<

I'll Most likely will be at Danbury Conn. this Sun ??,,if any of us meet face to face..We'll just all laugh it off as childish Bullshit,,lighten up people,,most of you's are way too up tight.

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STEVES you're right. Back then our only plague was FC, and he was pretty benign. FC even threw off the odd entertaining or informative post, and still does.

But these new intruders are smart, articulate and focused on dividing us for some reason I just can't understand. I have no idea what motivates them and I don't care.

Their sole purpose for posting is hate. Hate for anyone who will listen to them and hate for themselves more than anything or anyone else.

Free speech is one thing. We don't want to suppress free speech and turn this forum into what Chase called a "Sesame Street" environment.

But hate posting is something else. I hope you will agree we'd like to be rid of that and just confine ourselves to polite mutual ridicule.

I apologize if I came across in that free speech diatribe some time ago as "sneering" at you.

Anything but.
No big thing Brada,let everybody in just as long we don't get I'll kill you e-mail like you know who that use to send it to everyone on this board.Does Joiese/Joeise what ever he/she name was,anyways might have changed username due to being watched by Federal personal.
You're right Duc, Chase is the only guy who can handle this and we have to trust that he has a fair plan of action. I would not want his job right now. The main reason I started this tread was to see if someone had a better way to handle this. I don't want any one to be "kicked off". But I also don't see things staying the way they are. NO Sesame Street, Dirty Pete would be the first guy kicked out(cept he'd quit first I suspect).

I don't have any good ideas on how to handle this. Ignoring the problem would work in theory, But has no practical application, as you can't get every one to do that. You will always have some one willing to fight.

If you guys have a better idea, spew it.
...chill out and ride more...let'em fite...I know some back roads to Bear Mountain from Marcus Dairy...
I was reading and enjoying this board when it first started, then when I got my bike I signed on with all info in my profile.This is the first time for me. After awhile cyberjoe and josie started threatening to hunt down, kill, cut up a bunch of people and scatter their parts all over the desert. This stuff went on for a while. I took my more personal data off. It seems almost the same now.
We all need to lighten up. Sure I brag about the Perks of Being a Cop,The Fact that I don't Get tickets and most of you still do,,but thats just Harmless Digging at people that take me just a bit to serious, then I feed off it.

If we all met in person, Like I said,,we would all have a good laugh and Talk & Enjoy our kick-Ass Bike.

Still some of you won't take this as a friendly gesture on my part to Cut the BS,,on B.org Some of you for whatever reason will resent The Police and the Job we do,,Just remember I'll still comment on things I feel are stupid & ridiculous,,we all have opinions.

As always whether People Believe I'm Even a Cop or was on the Teams Means nothing to me, I Know what I am/Was,,Frankly Who Cares what other people think of Me.

This olive Branch has been brought to you by

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PS-And If I make it to Conn. This Sun I'm sure we'll all enjoy good Conversation And hopefully they'll be some HOT Broads to hook up with,,and check out.

Ride Safe,,and remember folks,,Lighten Up **
Buffalo, you’re right. That guy who, *sat there all broken hearted, tried to post a cogent thought, but only brain farted*, is like the dog doo doo when I lived in France. Everyone in the cities there (well nearly everyone) has a dog and they all crap right on the sidewalks - and it’s all over the place. You just have step over the excrement and not intoit. Most of the members try to step over the waste left by Mr. Brain Fart, but invariably someone steps right in it and then instead of making jokes, talking about rad bike mods, upcoming trips, etc., the thread runs off on a tangent as they attempt to thwart the little pooper. But, like a scared little doggy, the more you scold him, the more nervous he gets and the more poo poo that comes out of the frightened little pooch. Then we have a nice thread littered with dog stuff. Sometimes that dog has no brains at all and just poops all over for no reason - just like he enjoys seeing the stuff that emanates from his sphincter.

I attempted to start a thread just for him so he would have a platform (or should I say
toilet?) to extol the virtues of the 12, vent his venom on me as much as he liked (like you, I am not offended), and show everyone just how articulate the Kawi Boys were. Yet, for some reason, he would not engage in any sort of discussion with me (I still think he’s afraid of me - why?), preferring instead to instigate fights where he could.

So what should we do? Well, I always think its best to step over the stuff, and not in it, but if people have a tendency to misplace their feet, then we should keep the dog out of the city. You would have to ask Chase, but I think the only way to ensure we keep the dog out is to use a Digital ID for each member. This is very cumbersome, slow to implement, and we would probably lose a fair amount of legitimate members in the process. So, just watch your step.

[This message has been edited by shane (edited 06 October 1999).]
Buffalo, shane, others.

Very well put, ignore persons like that, works every time. They will eventually run out of steam.
Aye---I hang with a group or up to 50 bikers every weekend and have never heard this kind of bullshit face to face. This forum should be for information sharing between people of common intrests and has turned out to be an obsession for some people.
Correct, they live for the responses plain and simple. I doubt very seriously if most even have a bike. they come because some other punk has told them how much fun it is to stir up the bike riders. neener neener ya can't touch me so blabla bla. Right,you are gonna starve to death waitin for an idiot session here turd. The last one I saw on a site turned out to be a 13 year old kid who's big brother had a Honda ACE and so of course the ACE became his and beat 98ZXR's on the street and through the twisties. It was good for him for about six months till his brother found out and apologized to everyone and we all found out what was really going on. I'm sure the same little queebie is now on a Ferrari site tellin all who will listen about how he eats Daytona Spyder's with his Camaro. Suuuure kid, dream on smallballs.