I too live in a small town, but in Texas. Lumberton is well known as a speed trap. The first year I was here I got pulled over for doing 51 in a 50 mph zone! He let me know that no mater what the speed I was still speeding. He did let me go with a written warning! "So nice of him"
I now live across the street from the police station, they kid me all the time, that they can't wait to catch me running "that bike". You know they don't even have to chase me, "they know they can't", but they just have to drop the ticket in my mail box! Any way I always drive 5 miles under the limit in this area. I agree that they should spend more time patrolling the streets keeping the tax payers safe, but it all boils down to income, and they make more money with tickets that anything else. Sorry about the rant but just slow down!