I'm just delighted that he used my name as an example of one of the old timers... (sniff, sniff..)another turn for the worse.
I'm a second generation "Bored Member" behind the likes of Lo-bucket, BaCharlie, Marc-my-words Marcwhateverhisnamewas, them texas azzholes,etc etc.
now when you chec in , it(the bored) seems to be made up of a bunch of bobos you've never even heard of....
ten thousand topics.....few responses to each....
nuthin really good anymore..... no heavy convo's, or serious fights , never anything really deep....
no shortage thou , of shiddy stupid "answered a thousand times B4 questions"....
it seems like 47 new topics a day....some of them answered....some of them not . The odd one worthy. Most of them NOT.
47 new topics a day.....
I'm overwhelmed.....an' bored......
have a grouped 1.....my condolences.....RSD.
Hell No we don't want to lose Rubber...I don't want Rubberbandman to leave...I would miss him...can't take my heart being broken ONE MORE FRICKIN' TIME!
Come on RSD...tell us where this board should be headed?
We could always be like every other board out there and have our porn thread of the day, or hey, a forum dedicated to guys duking it out? Na...that's another site I know of...
Post RSD's controversial topic of the day, and we'll all hop on board...maybe we're all more feeble-minded than we realize...not much to do but watch the air molecules and make 3 word posts?
Come on RSD...don't be like this...enlighten those that haven't been here long of what life was on the other side of this fence...it's too hard to look back through all of those threads to read it myself!
What's a TRE?