After 20 years on this forum I was waiting for you to get a bit of a friendly ribbing. Doesn't matter what I led with as an' opening response to you,some would have gone their own way.
Steered you towards the new members category...
Asked for pics of your ride etc. Pics are asked for because over the years we have had our share of trolls. Losers who come on here who don't even own a Busa. We've had scammers come on here posting they have a Busa for sale. The pic they chose from the net just happened to be a pic of one of our members rides. Another non-busa owner came on and tried to use The Org as his own personal ghey rights forum. Nothing wrong with ghey or rights...its just that this is a Busa Forum first and foremost. if you feel you know how to join a forum successfully,maybe you should have gone that way.(as you posted above) When you lashed out at my friend you got laid into. We take care of our own here...we are the only ones who are allowed to chuck shi7 at one another...we are a big sometimes disfunctional family,but we are family. There are thousands of examples of this as you look around.
Start out good,you get

to The Org.
And a request for pics...
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Start out like you did...meh.
Is what it is. If you hang around,you'll get fast,awesome help with everything.
Me,I haven't had to pay for intense pschological therapy in years,thats where the "Random Thoughts" forum comes in.
I don't ever apologize...I am after all...
"The Original Site Bastid"
You my "hope-to-be-friend" have stumbled onto one of the best sites on the planet. We take it quite seriously,something we may get laughed at or chastised for. We don't care. Some join,look around,and run screaming for the exit. That is never our intent (well,sometimes it is).
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No worries from any of us. Someone will be along with a piece of pie and a nice welcome soon. (inside joke)