CHEAP solution to 99-2000 fuel pump problems...

Hello guys!

I am new at Busa-world, but I rebuilt also one from year 2000. But mine doesent run also. At beginning I drove few km-s but then I didnt accelerate very strongly. But now, If I start it, it runs good, but after 500 meters engine stops immediately and if I dont pull clutch, I am hearing few weak fires from engine. Then I restart it, sometimes it doesent start at all, or it stalls, or sometimes lets me ride few hundred meters more. After some time everything is okay again. Until I am trying to ride again... But when I am running it on neutral gear (without riding it before) and give it more rpm-s, everything works perfectly

Seems like problem is same.. or what do you think?
But here is my questions.
If I have these kind of problems and pump is to blame, I can measure its fuel pressure? If it is okay, then it should run? Busabim, did you check your fuel pressure before?
As I live in different side of the world as you guys, I cant get these pumps as you. Can you tell me what are parameters of these pumps, you are using?

clean fuel filter assembly around the external fuel pump first and check fuel pump to see if still good.

replacement pump for stock by hamilton motorsports on ebay

Add secondary low pressure fuel pump like you have link on ebay and it should work.


As I live in Estonia, Hamilton motorsport dont deliver pump to here, or if they do, then it takes too long... So I have to find and alternative. But I could use some specs.
I am planning to add secondary pump, but what does it mean "low pressure" Can you tell me pressure of the pump that you used?
I had a 99 with lots of pump issues. I ended up ditching the stock pump and getting a walbro pump and aeromotive regulator (adding a gauge). After that, I just swapped for an 06 tank, fairings and wiring. That said, this mod looks like it could have saved me a lot of headaches on the ole 99!

[while we're on the subject of riding '99s in the heat, swapping the coolant with Water Wetter stopped my overheating problems.]

I added a second low pressure fuel pump to the 99 Hayabusa. The pump is $30 and some brass fittings another $15. I have the low pressure pump feeding the primary external fuel pump and any extra fuel goes back to the return tank.

There should be no more vapour lock and the fuel pump will always be bathed in fuel (now) and not have to rely on the inefficient gravity feed to work. You can see the top of the low pressure pump feeding directly into the main external fuel assembly: Secondary pumps are common on boats and are designed to run continuously.

Now I have 2 pumps and 2 filters. The pump and filter fit under the tank with no issue and the pump is mounted to the screw that holds the wiring harness clamp. I bought the pump off eboy.

Please see photos to show routing. The fuel filter is elbowed off at 90 degrees and sits upright the same as the pump to allow for easy exchange and for clearance below the tank. The second picture shows most of the fittings.

This is a much more cost effective solution than replacing tanks.

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Are these Diesel pumps?
The hoses are not the issue when the system is primed with low pressure fuel.

low pressure pump available on ebay for $30. Wire up pump so it only goes on with the ignition. Very simple job and the external fuel filter can be upgraded so you never have to go inside fuel pump assembly unless primary pump fails. It should last 2x longer since it is always being primed with fuel!

Here is link to the solution. it has worked on 4000km trip to the south and started every time. This solution is common on boats where primary pump is above and needs help to supply against gravity.

CHEAP solution to 99-2000 fuel pump problems... | Busa problems
That pump does not exist anymore. There are various pumps on Ebay which one is suitable for the job.
Well this outa be good.

here is another shot of the pump and fittings showing the filter set up. Note the filter is facing up parallel to the low pressure pump and is easily removed. If the filter is left on top of the pump ( as sold) it might be too tall when the tank goes back on top.

So far the bike has not failed to restart once when very hot!

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So What, doesn't mean I can't try. Whats your deal or whats it matter to you. If you don't have something constructive to say then your comment is not welcome atleast not by me sir.
So What, doesn't mean I can't try. Whats your deal or whats it matter to you. If you don't have something constructive to say then your comment is not welcome atleast not by me sir.

Lighten up Francis. If you'd been around here for more than a minute you’d know there’s sort of a running gag by the members regarding replies to old posts, some, years old, are brought back to life and some are simply jokes. Necroposting it’s called. Now, why not introduce yourself and tell us about your bike?
So What, doesn't mean I can't try. Whats your deal or whats it matter to you. If you don't have something constructive to say then your comment is not welcome atleast not by me sir.
Easy big fella. No need to flame one of the coolest doods on the Org.
He was alerting you to the fact that you may not get more zoomed out pics from a member who has not posted this year.
Yer attitude sukks.
Most new members say howdy first.Like: "Hey guys my names so and so,just picked up a Busa. Yer site looks gr8. BLAHBLAHBLAH"
Screaming at us with yer CAPITAL LETTERS gets you nothing.
Yer fuggin tone sounds demanding.
The fellas took it easy on you...most get a good ribbing at first.
Yer about to not like me very much and I don't care.
99% of this board is good people. Me, not so much so.
Good luck to you SIR.