Check out your stress level

Stress is the cause of the majority of our ills. Heart attacks, sexual dysfunction, family strife, etc.

I should say, it isn't the stress, but how we deal with it. Exercise and dietary wholeness does a body huge benefits and help to ease stress a great deal. If you're under a lot of stress and easing the pain of it with chocolate-covered cherries and other junk food, it's just going to bite you in the butt down the road.

Same with exercise. If you come home every day from a stressful work load and kick back in front of the T.V. all evening, it's going to bite you in the butt there, too.

Of course, I know YOU eat right and exercise all the time, Ron! ::):

I NEEDED this!

"You have high stress..." there I have it...I'm 18 yrs old, and from what Wag just wrote above, I shouldn't be able to move, weigh 600 pounds, and be virtually useless.

Now I've just been "let-go" from a job I didn't even have yet...and have to find another alternative for 3YRS! :angry:

Says I have "low stress". So why have I had so many migraines and such a hard time sleeping in the last year????
I pegged the meter out and it says I have to make major life style changes immediately
I NEEDED this!

"You have high stress..." there I have it...I'm 18 yrs old, and from what Wag just wrote above, I shouldn't be able to move, weigh 600 pounds, and be virtually useless.

Now I've just been "let-go" from a job I didn't even have yet...and have to find another alternative for 3YRS! :angry:


Hmmm...If I could trade with you I would. It would be very nice to be 18 again and have your stress as opposed to being 42 and having mine. Brother you are 18, go to school, join the military, pack you stuff and go live in Cosat Rica for a year, but quit fussing and make a move. At least being 18 you have plenty of time to make a different move if your first one was not the best. Limit your responsibilities. What i mean by this is, don't get yourself into debt over material things, education, ok. Don't go and get some chick pregnant and have a kid to be responsible for the rest of your life. Kids are great but don't start having them until you are ready and you are not ready at 18. Trust me on this.

You are 18, go live life and don't be afraid your doing the wrong thing because you can always change your mind.
Says I have "low stress". So why have I had so many migraines and such a hard time sleeping in the last year????

Diet brother. Look at what you are eating because that may be contributing to your migraines. I feel for you I don't get them but my son has gotten them, his come on due to envriomental conditions but he feels awful when they occur.
it lies, says I'm low stress! :poke: Which I suppose I kind of am for the most part compared to many people. :beerchug:
Mine said I have a high stress level. Good thing I didn't take it 10 years ago when I was kicking my cult religion to the curb. Yikes.

One of the best things for relieving stress is a session or two with the 70 lb heavy bag.


I have low stress. Check marked TWO things and they were sort of a stretch.

One thing I disagree with is their assumption that "CHANGE" of things causes stress. It does not have to if you have learned to accept change as a thing of enhancement no matter what the situation. Something to improve life or grow from, you know?
Variety IS a spice in life, but can only exist if CHANGE is allowed and encouraged. I love change, seek it, make it happen. Stagnation kills me. "Comfort Zone" is a tomb. Have a solid foundation in life and let everything else go like a whirl wind. It's FUN, once you accept it and get used to it. My perspective
I've recently been "de-stressing" my life and I can tell you it feels great...haven't felt this good in years :thumbsup:
WTH? It says I have high stress... Then where the heck was I when I was working?

My biggest decision today and for the last few months has been pants, or no pants.... :rofl:
WTH? It says I have high stress... Then where the heck was I when I was working?

My biggest decision today and for the last few months has been pants, or no pants.... :rofl:

ME TOO?! LOL OK, not really... :whistle:
ME TOO?! LOL OK, not really... :whistle:

SO No Pants for you then???

I suppose I should actually look a little closer into where we are at financially, I do tend to get spun up for no reason (Yeah I know, Me?) and then I have to call the wife to get that verbal reassurance that we are just fine and there's nothing to worry about. That helps for about 10 minutes.

Then there is the whole not working thing. As expected working steadily everyday for 14 years and then just STOPPING is still a cause of stress, it's odd how ingrained WORK can become. Never thought I'd actually be stressed because I am not going to work, it just messes with my head in lots of subtle ways.
What a JOKE !! I just sold my Business ( :cheerleader: ) , no financial problems, looking forward in Going Back To my Overseas Job. Or, just really looking forward in doing something I really like (Like planning my 4 Corners ride). And this thing says I have HIGH STRESS !! I've never had it better or more excited about doing new and different things in years !!! This poll is BROKE , it must have been designed by the same people who do Political Polls :rofl: