Check this out..

(Over_Easy @ Jul. 22 2007,14:10) How to? please.
took it to the body shop to have the red painted... ordered the oem tank emblem.. picked up from body shop stuck on said emblem and install cover..

whaa laa fantastic results..
(big coop @ Jul. 22 2007,15:10) I need one, Ill like to have mine done in black.
Order it straight from woodcraft, they probably have the blk in stock..
(GIXERHP @ Jul. 23 2007,01:34) Very nice,, i like it!
Thanks again John for putting this group buy together..

ps; got a gixxer fan laying around your not using..
Man, that looks really nice !!!!!!!!!!!!!

What kind of sliders are those ?

Do they take the place of the screw ?

1 more, Is that a slider on the stator cover ?
Doyle, I think you and I have the same disease...aftermarketitis! looks great. Doyle #2