Check Your Six When Stopped

Yeah, last week monday my brother got into an accident, he was riding his R1 down nimitz and paiea st. when a suv ran the red to turn down byrons, my brother t-boned the side of the suv.

Broken finger, broken neck, broken back broken ribs jeez....People get complacent when they drive cars...what's the worst that could happen, smashed bumper?...deployed airbag?..

I'm gonna rent a H1 hummer and tbone that driver once my brother gets better.:banghead:

Make sure you get the insurance for 10 dollars more.:thumbsup:
One of the things they teach in the MSF beginners course...

When you stop at the light you always drop your left foot and not both and not the right,

Why: becasue you still have the bike in gear and as soon as you stop you listen and look in mirrors to be sure the cager isn't going to run you over. And listen for screeching tires maybe as well.

I will only wait in neutral and relaxed after 3-4 cars have backed up behind me and I know the light is a long one.

who stops at red lights:whistle:

no I definatly look around me and since I have been rear ended by (another bike) no less, I no longer allow my fellow riders to be so close behind me either
I know this is a old thread, but I didn't see a very basic one listed.
Do NOT drink and ride. I can't believe people are stupid enough to get DUIs on a bike (I knew one).

If I think there is good possibility of a social gathering after work I will not ride in or I will make ample time to get to my garage and back. Just because I know that I have a hard time saying no when someone hands me a beer. Just plan ahead and be safe!

On a second note, Its been 5 years since my last MSF class, I think its time to go get retrained so that I can remember everything. Great thread everyone!:thumbsup:
I didn't one time and blam!!!!Right in the rear. Had the bike 1 week. Plate= 1 day. Look at the back of the black car, you will see the driver's side rear of the car smached in. That was caused when I was hit from behind sending the bike airborn into it. The white car on the cucb is the one who hit us.
BTW She said it was our fault because we stopped for no reason, after the "no brakes" reason didn't fly. I guess stopping behind other stopped cars who themselves stopped for the red lights is not a reason to stop.

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I almost got rear ended on an off ramp well getting off the 405 freeway. It's an off ramp with a fairly sharp turn and a stop light. When you roll up to such a situation you recognize that your not in the safest spot. I was stopped behind a car and thought to my self, "some stupid cali drive with be coming around this corner too fast I just know it". I also had my escape plan ready. lane split to the left because they will either take me out or head to the right to get into the shoulder in the effort to give them self more stopping room. 10 sec latter I see lights then screeching tires so i shoot off to the left and the car shoots off to the right into the shoulder but not before cross into the space i was just previously occupying.

Anyways, never assume people will drive right. Expect the worst and plan for it. It has saved me many times.
I have been riding bikes off and on for almost 45 years now, and my biggest fear other than some moron suddenly turning left in front of me, is some other moron watching somebody's ass other than watching mine.:moon: I was surfing the web a few years ago and went to a link titled : Hyper lites. They a video clip of them working, and immediately sent away for a set. They are so bright that they are almost blinding at night, and very visible in daylight; more so than my stock brake light. When I hit my brakes now, the vehicle following me generally hits his, about 4-5 car lengths behind me. The lights flash so rapidly, they convey 'panic', and people react accordingly, by staying more than a respectable distance behind me.
I advise all bikers to check these out. They should be an automatic add-on for any road bike.
Hyperlites Flashing LED Motorcycle brake lights, Running Lights and Turn Signal