yeah the clutch mod is definitlly a track oriented thing and if you're not launching your bike hard wont notice a difference. Its a few ounces lighter than the stock clutch but not worth it for roll racingMy opinion is that some track mods work on the street scene and some are for track only i use 18-45 for the street and i love it i dont have any willie isues and im short wb at 61 and a half im strapped and i have suspension adjusted. One thing ive heard dont remember in what Brocks or Moore Mafia video i cant find it now that the Gen3 clutch mod is not necesary needed for the street so then a person like me that only uses the bike for street racing trying a few mods here and there i dont see it fair to spend another $1,000 to see if the Gen3 clutch mod works or not. Let us know your friendly opinion thanks.