Christmas Present!

how much does he ride? i ride year round, and im lookin at gettin some heated gear. that stuff can add up though, but if you got just a heated jacket liner or gloves, that could help out.
do not get tires. that is maintenance. how would you feel if he gave you an oil change, or something like that for a present. lots of good ideas here, but you've only got a few days so you better make it quick:whistle:

Personally, I would love tires, chain, brake pads, etc. :2cents:
it has a seat on the bike..but he only has it on when i'm going to ride with him! other than that he keeps the cover thing on it.. everything that the bike has it came like that!!!
I would look at a Woodcraft stator cover over the chrome one...just my opinion...
They are talking about the front seat. Can get a custom made one, different colors designs and such...
Demmym's ideas are pretty cool...
How about a new rear sprocket that is maybe three teeth bigger for that feeling of a little more power.:cheerleader:A 43 tooth from "Vortex" or "Supersprox" would put a smile on just about anyone's face. :thumbsup:
Custom Front Seat


U get the pic demmym? I'm getting ready to sign off for the night and want to make sure it can be forwarded if needs be....