
I would love to have chrome. I just can't afford it. That shid is expensive!!! If anyone knows where I can get some stuff done cheap, let me know!!! PLEASE!!!!
Bling time. On a nice sunny day, chrome can't be beat. Even on a "hardley". Nice bikes everyone. Here's mine. I would like to chrome the rear sets, powdercoating is nice too.

Ive got some carbon fiber pieces on my bike, and I have a polished swingarm,chrome tribal chain guard, and chrome rims,In my mind, its not too loud or gaudy,but If some one doesnt like it, thats their preference and they can build their bike just like they want,This one is mine.It wouldnt be interesting if all the bikes looked the same,I suspect thats why we're called individuals.
dude, i like the tips on your bike. did you do that yourself?

Ive got some carbon fiber pieces on my bike, and I have a polished swingarm,chrome tribal chain guard, and chrome rims,In my mind, its not too loud or gaudy,but If some one doesnt like it, thats their preference and they can build their bike just like they want,This one is mine.It wouldnt be interesting if all the bikes looked the same,I suspect thats why we're called individuals.
dude, i like the tips on your bike. did you do that yourself?

If your getting an HMF system, just ask them to build it with "Ballance" caps, if you already have a system, they will sell you the caps.NJ.