clunk in tranny when taking off

i had the same problem a few months ago on my o5 with about 12000 miles on her .new cush drive didn t help but you want to know what did fix it. huh do ya ok ill tell ya when we return from this commercial break ................. wd40 on the chain
I don't have any clunking on mine stock 45K miles on the motor original internals & clutch. No kind of mods. Don't think its something needs modding to be fixed any chance of video tapping the problem ???
im going to check my clutch bolts next time i have the fairing off. it clunks hard when letting the clutch out. but not sure where its coming from. it feels to be around the tranny area and nothing to do with chain or crush. my bike is not abused and dont have many miles on it. maybe ill tighten the chain some and see what it does. if u let the clutch out real slow u can get it to clunk softer or not at all.
Not saying this is the problem you all are having, but, I had a clicking tapping noise only on take off and it just happened to be the chain buffer had broke off on the bottom side of the swing arm. The chain buffer is the piece of plastic/urethane that protects the swing arm from the chain and that is what was causing my clicking/tapping noise. So every time I was taking off, the chain was smacking the swing arm, where the buffer should have been on the bottom.
Gotta 2001 with the clutch mod, that took care of my clunk but now when I leave with any kinda of aggression it chatters and bad sand sometimes stalls, brocks will take care of the clunk, its the slipper working from what I've been told, and probably your cush drives as previously stated in another post
ive decided its just the way it is and ill live with it. my bike is never throttled on or beaten. its got to be the clutch system. unless something breaks ill just live with it. its time to get rid of it for a new project anyway. haha
It's totally normal, my 2011 clunk since it was new, sound like the slack of the chain being taken up, like a 'tak' sound. Nothing to worry about.
if u let the clutch out real slow u can get it to clunk softer or not at all.

ive noticed that if you release clutch slowly it wont clunk at all...and if your moving even a tiny bit it wont do it at all..this is all in first gear for me tho i havent noticed it clunk any other time.