Clutch cover mod..

the blue looks nice. I haven't had the time to install mines yet, so i'm not sure about the silicone I just have a gasket as well.
thanks here is a pic i used high heat red silicone

Got mine coming in the works, just waiting for Pusher to finish it and send her my way.  So removing the clutch cover is not a problem, I can do that no prob, but what kind of gasket material do I need? Thanks in advance.

Oh yeah, kind of Dremmel tool stupid, I have one, but can you guys take a pic of the bit that I would need?? I have a whole pile of bits, just not sure which one is the one I need.
here are the bits and a better pic info on the gasket install is in the manual you only use a little each side 3 holes down each side

I just sent my ring away to get powder coated... then when it returns I will be sending the pusher my cover and ring for assembly... During its absense, I need to get red hi-temp gasget maker (already got a dremel and cutting bit)... How did you make the right size cut.. I was thinking that I would use the ring before i sent it out as a template, but im not sure the best way to get it straight
Yea, got my cover in today. It is crazy. I will post pics when I put find a gasket and install it.....
I finally got mine installed, cut and looking decent, I made the cut a lil larger than I wanted but Im satisfied with the look
