Clutch useage

Clutch useage - When do you use your clutch?

  • Use it for Up & Down shifting

    Votes: 88 100.0%
  • Use it for Down shifting only

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only use it for starting and stopping

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
All the time, for every gear...........I've never tried shifting without the clutch

Just seems scary and risky.  Does warranty cover that........

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It all depends on my though at the moment of the shift. Most of the time I use the clutch for upshifting. Downshifting gets the clutch 100% of the time. Racing and hard acceleration gets the power shift treatment. Plus it's pretty cool when you can powershift it and hear the rear tire bark.
I can actually downshift clutchless better than I can upshift. Downshifts I can't even feel when I get them right. Haven't been able to do an upshift that doesn't result in the bike kicking.
All the time, for every gear...........I've never tried shifting without the clutch

Just seems scary and risky.  Does warranty cover that........
Suzuki mechanic at the shop says when you get use shifting without the clutch (going up in the gears) its actually easier on the gears than clutching.
The first few times I shifted without the clutch the bike julted pretty good. Then when I got the timing down it really feels like an automatic. no jult or vibration at all.
its a blast to run through the gears so fast and smooth...

practice going from 4th to 5th and then work down to 3rd to 4th.. when you get there move on to 2nd to 3rd... then move on to 1st to 2nd... remember to keep the rpms up and shift/unthrottle and the add throttle again. Like I said its all timing.
I'll go out on a limb here...

The odds of a transmission having a long and happy life without the driver using the clutch... could be slim!
All the time. I might fool with power shifting now though. I do it in cars, pick-up, semi, forklifts all the time.
Ever drive a 90,000 Lb. tractor trailer with multiple gears? You get used to not clutching very quickly, as for the busa....I guess it's habit 'cuz I rarely use it except for downshifting, and the more miles on her the smoother she goes into the next gear. The mechanics that I know will tell you the clutch is to get her going and it is harder on the tranny AND clutch when using it all the time. It does take some time to get it down but once you do you'll be comfortable doing it as well as adding to the life expectancy of your clutch. Also takes a few steps out of the many we take everytime we ride. But to each his own, I have done it alot and haven't had any problems, used to do it in my car too untill I bought my F250SD.