All very good advice...thanks valium for the offer, man thats awsome of you...
I think I can score the packs at the hunting shop here. I will for sure be gett'in some.
scootergirl, very good advice, the highest point I must cross is about 2000 ft.or so...and ya, ice is on my mind but I think I should be o.k...the couple of passes I have to go over are fairly short distances, does'ent take to long, so I think I can get thru it o.k. but I will keep your words in mind when I cross. I know this could be a bit of risk in the cold but honestly I kinda of enjoy the challange.
Tio Loco, I hear ya about the fog...I rode to work today in some and it aint no fun. I have an even colder ride home tonight so I can sorta gage how it will be to some extent. I am gonna be watch'in the weather real close before I leave and if it turns out to be the pea soup varity I think I will abort...that's just to dangerous for me.
GSXTacy, I already have one...that puppy is going with me for sure.
ike, thanks for the link on widder.
Thanks Gunny, I will definitely be check'in the conditions...I'm just hope'in its gone to be fair.
Thanks Glyn, we have a new shop here in town called Throttle Wear and I plan on drop'in some coin there for some new gloves and maybe a vest to this weekend.
Busa Wizard, Drive my cage, thats blasphemy
just kidd'in...if the weather don't hold the cage it will be...(please Al Roker, tell me what I want to hear).
And again, thankyou so much for your advice all...I will take some photo's on this ride to share when I get if the weather holds i'm off on the 26th for Merlin Oregon.....
brothers and sisters