Combat commuter (pix)


Found this on the web.  Aint no one gunna cut this rider off in traffic.  This ones for the parking lot pimps out there...

(sorry if its a repost)

LOL... you try to ride that thing around and you would be surrounded in a heart beat if not shot before you could even get off. Funny pic!!
isnt that the new bike Rambo has in his upcoming "no Im not dead yet-but after this movie you may want to kill me" film next year??
Its one of those special Navy Seal/SPECOPS deep insertion bikes...
No way! That thing is fake as helll, how are you going to ride it not to mention how you would engage a target with the crew served weapon that's mounted to what the handle bars?
hang on a second there gunny...i'm seem to recall of my old usmc days a 'lil dirtbike mounted recon crew known as "The 7th Calvary".....and as a machinist?...that shiod don't look fake to me and seems very i immediately picked up on the fact that the butstock of the weapon is positioned right where a hard breast guard could pick up an inter-locking butt-stock...and the weapon could be mounted to a universal ball mount clean through the steering stem...enabling the pilot to both shoot and steer...add a sheath for a shoulder mounted and a small rpg rig for 90deg left/right deployment and viola...a two wheeled terror from hell in the right hands...looks like the right stuff to me!