Aw hell, if I'm a distraction, that ain't my fault. Takes only a few pounds of pressure to pull a trigger so set me up 1000 yards away with my 338 Lap Mag and several hundred rounds of ammo, and I'm a happy girl. I've been in and around military my whole life and I have seen women I wouldn't take the time from, and guys who can hardly open a door. In general, I think if you can pass standards (GETTING RID OF MALE/FEMALE standard differences) then you get a chance at combat. Guys, I know you are "supposed to protect, etc" but really, if there was a soldier down wouldn't you help them regardless of their sex? As far as if a female is captured, yup, there are some horrific things that can happen. If a female chooses to be in combat, guess what, they accept that this might happen. I don't think it is any less horrific than what happened to the pilot (I think) whose body was publicly dragged around a town years ago, mutilated and set on fire and broadcast. I think this will be a debate for a long time but there are already armies that have had women in combat for decades. I was on armed boarding parties in the Coast Guard and had to earn my respect like the others but I did. Sorry to have rambled so long!
Ahhhhh talk ammo to me baby

Right on Rio...well said