Pathetic women...

I did not ruin this thread...trying to get a discussion going on how men are mistreated by our justice system...

Jeez, men!! :laugh:

via Samsung Galaxy SIII
Michelle, I haven't been that upset about an article for a long time... I hate to say it, but, as has been stated - this kind of garbage happens all the time :( I see people get taken for their benefits, for their retirement, etc... and the part about telling him that he was supposed to die in Iraq... you have no idea how many times I have heard variations of that... this just infuriates me... and not just because I have a piece of it... sux...
I know where that B would be if it was me. The judge needs his ass put in jail for letting this happen. This is wrong in so many ways and I sure wish it was some way to get a petion up and send it to the judge to make him change the ruling on this. Man that makes me mad :banghead::banghead: She is nothing but a LOW DOWN BI::H for this. Reminds of a lady I dated once that got 1400 a month alimony and did not even have any kids. All she ever done was bragged how she was taking him and she would never get remarried. She was taking from him, including 1/2 of him military retirement. Some women! Not you Vabs :laugh:
Well, I read the article against my better judgement. This because I knew it would infuriate me but I thought I could contain that rage.

This issue will have to rise through the appellate court system and if there is any justice in this land, new laws will be enacted to prevent this.

The origin of the laws behind this travesty is the granite like American stance on the importance of family and responsibility. Now, let's apply this similar hard line stance to the promiscuous and irresponsibly unscrupulous women out there and their mothers that are the most conniving influence on them. I say the **** and her mother both do time on a conspiracy charge after a federal investigation that is effectively completed by the court transcripts in this case. Oh.. My blood is boiling now.. Time to log off.. :banghead:
The most scandalous and manipulative no good excuse for women I have ever come across in my life were the wives and girlfriends of active duty marines. They would bang countless guys when their man was on deployment or on float and act like nothing happened when they arrived back home. Bleed them dry financially and emotionally to where there was nothing left. Guys that faced combat, jumped out of planes and been in some of the most extreme situations you can imagine and they wouldnt flinch would be sobbing their eyes out and quivering on a fellow marines shoulder over what these so called women would put them through. They had little clicks that would take in all the newbies and educate them as to what benefits they could get, the pay scales, and how they can get the most out of their spouse. I have soo many horror stories just as bad if not worse than that I wouldnt know where to begin...............:banghead:
I sure hope this man takes this to the highest courts and wins. Even better, this POS should be in jail... :banghead:
Only in California....

The most depressing thing about is not the money, not the deception, not the woman but the fact he raised the child as his own for four and a half years and then one day learned he wasn't the father. All the memories of his 'son' are now destroyed. That would completely obliterate me. And then even if he was willing to look past it as after four yrs you're pretty well bonded he can no longer see the child? The mother is saying he's a stranger? So the poor child is right now at this minute having his head twisted by these two devils. It doesn't mention any desire on his part to obtain custody of the child? I think after that amount of time I would no matter what consider him mine and want to save him from those two.
Ok so fast forward three more years and he wins the appeal and the woman gets nothing more. Who's the biggest loser on that one? Again it will be the child. If he can't have him she certainly should not and the on this one I'd support the state placing the kid in a loving family elsewhere.
he believed her when she told him she was pregnant after only seventeen days? really? where is this young man's brains? she is a despicable piece of trash but he helped put himself in this position...i agree this decision needs to be overturned but at some point we need to start thinking with the head above our shoulders...just my $.02

trust no one that stands to make a profit off your relationship!!! yeah, i've been divorced a couple times and have dated my share of girls just like this one (trust me, they aren't only after military guys!) so i'm just a bit jaded :thumbsup:
he believed her when she told him she was pregnant after only seventeen days? really? where is this young man's brains? she is a despicable piece of trash but he helped put himself in this position...i agree this decision needs to be overturned but at some point we need to start thinking with the head above our shoulders...just my $.02

trust no one that stands to make a profit off your relationship!!! yeah, i've been divorced a couple times and have dated my share of girls just like this one (trust me, they aren't only after military guys!) so i'm just a bit jaded :thumbsup:

Love is blind...I'm sure this poor guy is kicking himself daily for ever just taking her word for it all so early on, but you know how love goes...

Anyway - right is right, wrong is what if this guy waited 2 years to bring this to light? I'm certain, as Blanca alluded to, there was a lot of hurt over finding out a child he loved and cared for as his own suddenly wasn't. I would imagine he too worried about how the child fairs in all of this, so it took some time for him to see what he needed to do. That a judge opts to force him to pay for a kid that isn't his and that he can't even see is beyond me. I sure hope that judge is catching hell daily for this decision. Mostly I hope this poor kid is surrounded by good people, and that wouldn't include his Mom or Grandmother, as pathetic as that is :(