

Donating Member
hey, I'm sure there are plenty of you guys and gals that use COMCRAP! LOL I am trying to see if billing is consistant accross the board with other members as I feel they are cooked and are being sued. They promised me one thing on price and then do another. Here is the deal! I am on the XFINITY PKG for a 12 month promotional and it's on paper however the rep last night said it was 6 month and fixing to go up 1 Jan and I'll make em eat is since my service was upgraded to XFINITY in Aug 2010 thus Aug 2011 will be the end of my promo. I pay $144.00 for the following service and want to get input and compare with some of you!

XFINITY Bundled Services
1)HD Preferred Plus Xf at $169.99
2)Includes: Digital Preferree, HBO, STARZ
3)Included Video Equipment, High Speed 16 mbs download
4)Internet, Digital Voice Unlimited
5)Service Discount -10.00
6)Promo-12 Month Discount -29.98
7)Digital Adapter Service Qty 2 @ 1.99 ea for 3.98
8)Modem Equipment Fee and this is the telephony modem (BTW, you can buy your own telephony modem and they are going up 1 Jan 11 to 7.50) my local COMCRAP said they do not support buying your own, I ask will you connect if I buy my own, can't get one like ours as it's unique to COMCRAP... I'm looking at it on the web and yes I can buy one! Let me as supervisor. NO! We will not support you buy your own. They will or loose me as it's a standard telephony modem same make and model that is sitting here. They are trying to recoup what they are being sued out the arse for!!!
9)Charge me for my own number I've had for 10 years as they switched to digital voice and it's 0.75 per month (can they do that)
10)Taxes, Surcharges & Fees which is $3.87

Please help me out and just take a little time and compare with the COMCRAP service you have and see if prices jive with everyone accross the board. Thus far I have one friend in TN and he has the same service with same package and he pays $129.00 as we compared bills/statement. There seems to be they charge what ever they want to whom they want unless the area you live in makes a difference. Thanks much..... :beerchug:
I pay 74.95 for 6 months for 15mb internet and digital starter package (no HD). HBO is free for 6 months. It will go up to 120.15 for all the same stuff after the 6 months but I plan on calling and getting onto another 6 month plan (Usually you can do that if you call and threaten to cancel).
I pay $79.99 for the basic package witch is 2-69 and then it has like the outdoor channel and some others with internet. When i first started it they had a special. The internet was only 29.99 for 6 months and then it went up to 49.99 for the rest of the year. Im in Indiana. My parents live in Texas and they have comcast also and my mom hates it. Oh i forgot, it includes the phone.
I had the service transferred over when we built our new house last year. Same address, same property. The new house was about 12 feet in front of our old home, but they said it was a relocation and charged me for a new install. Then a guy calls me and gives me this spill about a triple play package deal. He says if I sign up (contract) fro two years that the bill will not go up for that time. I got the basic HD, phone service, and high speed internet. The bill was consistant for a while and then went up a few bucks. Nothing major just a couple dollars, so I assumed taxes, fees whatever. I get my statement in last week and it jumps from around 123.00 to 147.99. I called and asked what the deal was because I signed up with the promise it wouldn't go up. This lady says the promo I signed up for was only for one year, but the contract is valid for another year. I calmly explained to her that wasn't what I was told but she didn't care. Needless to say I was not happy. Not so much about the amount of the bill, but because they were shady and lied about it. Oh yeah, my bill direct bills to a credit card so I usually never look at it. If it wasn't for the internet, I would switch to something else.
All good info from eveyone. I hate these lies they tell and I assure you they lied to me. I was to stay at 129.00 and immediately after two months went to $144.00. I can afford it but it's the principle. They will tell you anything.

I had the service transferred over when we built our new house last year. Same address, same property. The new house was about 12 feet in front of our old home, but they said it was a relocation and charged me for a new install. Then a guy calls me and gives me this spill about a triple play package deal. He says if I sign up (contract) fro two years that the bill will not go up for that time. I got the basic HD, phone service, and high speed internet. The bill was consistant for a while and then went up a few bucks. Nothing major just a couple dollars, so I assumed taxes, fees whatever. I get my statement in last week and it jumps from around 123.00 to 147.99. I called and asked what the deal was because I signed up with the promise it wouldn't go up. This lady says the promo I signed up for was only for one year, but the contract is valid for another year. I calmly explained to her that wasn't what I was told but she didn't care. Needless to say I was not happy. Not so much about the amount of the bill, but because they were shady and lied about it. Oh yeah, my bill direct bills to a credit card so I usually never look at it. If it wasn't for the internet, I would switch to something else.
All good info from eveyone. I hate these lies they tell and I assure you they lied to me. I was to stay at 129.00 and immediately after two months went to $144.00. I can afford it but it's the principle. They will tell you anything.

Im telling you when you call you throw out the word supervisor and things get done. My wife had changed our service from just internet because the apartment complex provided it but just recently stopped. So we called and got this 74.95 package. A week later our digital boxes come and dont work. So i call and they cant figure it out so they schedule a tech to come out. I called billing to change the phone number on the account and come to find out they never changed our service over to what they had told her on the phone and had no record of sending the boxes to us. They then did not have the same special they had one week ago ???. Me being pissed said I wanted to speak to a supervisor to get the exact deal they promised one week ago. Right after saying those words the guy on the phone magically found codes? or something like that on our account that showed all of the services we were supposed to have. Finally it all got straightened out but the fact is they never did their job and wanted to charge me tons more to get a new service then giving me what they promised in the beginning... bunch of crooks.

Just speak to a supervisor and create hell for them over the phone and you should be able to get what you want as long as you arent on a contract.
All I use from comcast is their internet service is good, price is bad and promo was $19.95 for 6 mos and now it is $64.95

I canceled it as of Jan 8th
Good suggestion Russelj... I'm making notes to keep myself straight and will give them swell! Just called billing and thy are closed but they got one coming. So many people with same or similar pkg and different prices.. I seem to be the sucker that is paying the most.
Comcast Sued Over BitTorrent Blocking – UPDATED | Threat Level |

Comcast is overcharging me!

Im telling you when you call you throw out the word supervisor and things get done. My wife had changed our service from just internet because the apartment complex provided it but just recently stopped. So we called and got this 74.95 package. A week later our digital boxes come and dont work. So i call and they cant figure it out so they schedule a tech to come out. I called billing to change the phone number on the account and come to find out they never changed our service over to what they had told her on the phone and had no record of sending the boxes to us. They then did not have the same special they had one week ago ???. Me being pissed said I wanted to speak to a supervisor to get the exact deal they promised one week ago. Right after saying those words the guy on the phone magically found codes? or something like that on our account that showed all of the services we were supposed to have. Finally it all got straightened out but the fact is they never did their job and wanted to charge me tons more to get a new service then giving me what they promised in the beginning... bunch of crooks.

Just speak to a supervisor and create hell for them over the phone and you should be able to get what you want as long as you arent on a contract.
unfourtunatly i work for a cable company lol, and the price difference should be from different franchise fees and local fees. Different areas get charged different fees by the county. I think they all charge too much anyway. Sat companies do not have to pay a lot of those fees so thats why they are more cosistent
F Comcast. They would constantly throttle my bandwith to less than dial up when i tried to download torrents. (legally) then i found out they had a device that was apparently illegal that "shaped" internet usage. If i had a download that was large, it would always get throttled back. They got Sued for it though. whoever is leading that pack needs to be "relieved".
We use them only because our community has a basic package through them. We have the internet package and have upgraded the cable service to a basic plus and HD with on demand. All that and crappy service with rude employees for $72.00/month.
sorry but i got rid of them about 2 years ago and went with directv, and have been happy thus far, and my billing stays the same, the service is better also, the picture and sound are so much better.
i just switched to att uverse cause i just got a job with them and i get a decent discount, but when i had comcast it wasnt too bad cant complain about comcast but uverse since i work for uverse i cant say anything about them:rulez: