Confirmed reports of Busa subframe failure - IF YOU\'VE GOT LUGGAGE TAK

I have done a lot of miles with my brother on the back, he's a big guy 230lbs and doing wheelies etc and the subframe looks fine on my bike. Luggage sure won't be that heavy.

JC just suggested checking them as on one of the bikes he had in they were loose
Thats all!!
(44 Nm for those interested!)

Nuts :wink:
I guess I have to stop carrying my cooler bungeed to the back seat until we find out the real problem. Who was the guy that rode a 50lb bag of dog food home on his bike??
Pooh, as luggage is invariably located further back than a pillion could sit (especially if a top box is fitted) any weight in this area will stress the subframe far more than the pillion (leverage effect) also stuff in the luggage will bounce around more than a pillion, meaning that I wouldn't be surprised if the shock loadings to the subframe from 50lbs of luggage rattling about are far greater than that of a 200lbs pillion with their built in shock absorber (arse)

The sort of Alloy used for the subframe is quite stong if loaded slowly shock loading quickly cause fatigue and failure.

I hope Suzuki get to the bottom of this quickly, the amount of times I've gone round 130MPH + sweepers with the doris on the back is enough to make me feel lucky to be alive!
If Suzuki find that this is as big a problem as it sounds and do (another :( ) recall, pity all the poor sods who've had their frames polished.
JokerJ, as far as I'm aware 99 & 00 are identical in this respect.

"MCN doesn't come out until tomorrow"? where do you live? Wales or some other 3rd world colony? :)
Please post the article and pictures from MCN. This sounds like a far fetched story to me. According to givi's webpage they dont even offer hard luggage for the busa.
:( This is a well scary thread' particularly as I'm about to tour Scotland two up in a few weeks. It even scared me into buying Motorcycle News! (Dave Cushman take note!)

The thing is, Pooh (where did you get that name! - ....on second thoughts I don't want to know) - that a failure like this is likely to occur suddenly. Just because you've carried heavy weights before, doesn't mean you wont have a problem in the future.

One of the failures in MCN was on a new bike, one was a year old. One was two up, and I think one was solo, without luggage?

Either way, we need some sort of re-assurance from Suzuki about this - It probably wouldn't be over dramatising things to say that if this failure happened at the wrong moment (and let's face it when is th RIGHT moment) - someone could get killed.

If this has happened to you, file complaints with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( as well as going to your dealer. From prior posts that have appeared here from others and personal dealings with Suzuki, Hayabusa owners need to keep the pressure on Suzuki to do the right thing and admit fault if there really is a problem. The fact that there are three reported incidents in a mainstream magazine should be more than enough to raise concern with all busa owners. Notifying NHTSA will notify them to this issue and help prevent Suzuki from trying to skate out of their responsibility as a manufacturer.
Kirk - sorry about that. It would be a shame for this should happen to anyone.

I just thought about you saying that when I read this thread. I imagined my dogs looking at me with that "So, where's the food?!?!" expression if the bag were to fall off the bike do to this problem.

Man I hope this isn't an issue, but if it is. I hope it's address soon, real soon.
Hmmm I might run a few lengths of lock wire from the top bolts to the lugs halfway along the length of the subframe so if it fails there's a backup - if tendioned correctly it may reduce flex enough to stop it failing in the first place - wadayafink?

Obviously I'd have to be sure that where I locate the lockwire it doesn't dent or scratch the alloy, that would definately cause a failure!

I'm doing a trackday next week, I don't want the subframe thing in the back of my mind while I've got my knee on the deck at 130MPH!
just got off the phone with the national highway transportation guys. they have no reported complaints for the hayabusa, and no evidence of an investigation or recall concerning the failing tail sections. i also am very concerned, because i am not pee wee herman, and my wife isn't kate moss either!!!!! has anyone talked to their dealer? mines not open yet.

big papa