Confused over ZX 14 add

Z-10 in America makes 21 HP less than Europe model :rofl: I read that on a Kaw board The American's are upset that we get a detuned one I guess kaw telling american owner to :moon: it.

I went to buy a new 2007 Z-14 my dealer didn't have on on Floor. He did have a Blue and a Red Busa I rode blue one home and not looked back since. :cheerleader::cheerleader:
Z-10 in America makes 21 HP less than Europe model :rofl:

Wow...I suppose that shouldn't surprise me. But the dyno numbers I have seen were on the American model and rear wheel hp was still higher than the Busa. Great on the track, but not very handleable on the street for most riders I think. Either way, the beast will not be the fastest or most powerful forever, but who cares?
try changing the plugs on a 14!!! what maroon designed the bike that you have to drop the motor to do that?
Geesh this one keeps coming back.. How can you have a fastest bike when they are restricted, someone tell me that.
Kawasaki makes helicopters and trains too:poke:

Not to mention heavy equipment. Don't get me wrong not arguing for Kawi, they have very deep pockets... If they devoted more money into the motorcycle division then who knows...Just keeping an eye on the enemy. :laugh:
on: Never discount Kawi, they have a lot deeper pockets than Suzuki, just a kinda know your enemy thing..

I believe VolksWagon controls the purse strings at Suzuki.
That should be a deep enough pocket.
Any of you experts actually ridden a 14?




I owned one. Nice bike. Goes as hard as the Bus above 6K. Stock ergos, headlight(s) and front brakes are superior.

The Bus is a better overall package, but the 14 is no slouch.


Hands down on the brakes and ergo,hated the banana seat and the single fan to keep the engine "cool".Other than that it was a great bike imo
Many enjoy pulling for their motorcycle as you would your favorite football team, and that game is all fine and dandy. After shelling out over ten grand (give or take), I don't expect much subjectiveness.

they both have great power vs. weight ratio and are extreamly fast. The majority are sold based on image and product loyalty, far more often than the slightest of HP advantage. Some use their bike at the track, however the vast majority ride on the street. Where do u people live where you can push your engines to their very limits frequently and safely on public roads?

in the limited world of hyperbikes, they both deliver on their promise.
There's only a few cc difference between bikes. Not sure on weight. Kawi just rounds up. However I bought the busa because of looks over kawi. Didn't like the side scoop lines. Couldn't and still can't get over em.
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Geesh this one keeps coming back.. How can you have a fastest bike when they are restricted, someone tell me that.

Its who can get to 186 the fastest. Also, if and when they do make a Gen III, I also think they should keep everything the same and throw a stroker crank at it. Maybe some lighter wheels?:beerchug:
When you own a legend everything is compared to it.But if you don't want to lose to any bike spray it with NOS .