Contact Cleaner


Donating Member
I was just reading the Akrapovic site and they recomend cleaning the titanium collector on the evolution system with "contact Cleaner" and a soft cloth. Does anyone know what contact cleaner is?
It's a parts cleaner that does not leave a residue and evaporates quickly.  
crc makes a good contact cleaner.Have been using it for years for electric motor starter cleaning.If you can't find it at home depot or your hardware store go to a electric supply house.

I think this might work but I always used WD-40 with no problems.
You do have to be careful though, while all contact cleaner could be used as brake cleaner, not all brake cleaner can be used as contact cleaner due to the base compounds in the cleaners......

If you are using it to clean any form of metal surface, rock on......If it is anything with plastic or painted surfaces, read the label first.....
Thanks to everyone for the help. BA BUSA tells me he uses WD-40 and it works great so I think I will follow suit.